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12 |
The scientific heritage of doctor of biological sciences professor Leonid Ivanovych Rubtsov
full article |
Rubtsova O., Chuvikina N.
Pages: |
215–236 |
Summary |
Scientific heritage of the outstanding dendrologist and landscape architect, the Doctor of Biological Sciences Leonid Ivanovich Rubtsov (1902–1980) was studied. Scientific interests of the Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor L.I. Rubtsov covered a wide range of issues, most of his works were dedicated to dendrology and landscape architecture. L.I. Rubtsov was among the first who developed and began to implement biological foundations into landscape construction. The scientist successfully used these theoretical developments in practice. Based on scientific grounds for the formation of dendrological collections developed by L.I. Rubtsov the unique gene pool of woody plants was collected in the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Scientific works of L.I. Rubtsov, especially monographs, textbooks and reference books are still essential manuals for many professionals in the field of landscape architecture and decorative horticulture.
Keywords |
L.I. Rubtsov, landscape architecture, dendrology, M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
References |
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