09 |
Oleskiv - Ukrainian scientist and educator from Galicia (late nineteenth - early twentieth century)
full article |
Pynda L.
Pages: |
173–184 |
Summary |
The article covers the life and work of Yosyp Oleskiv - the initiator of Ukrainian emigration to Canada in the 90s of the XIX century. About 12 works of the scientist are devoted to the problem of emigration of Galician peasants. The activity of Y. Oleskiv as an associate professor of agriculture and botany at the Higher Agricultural School in Dublyany (1887-91) is analyzed.
The agronomic scientific activity of the scientist connected with the Prosvita society is revealed, where he actively promoted the idea of development of gardening, horticulture, dairy unions. He studied the changes of seasons, climate and soils, their impact on the yield of fruit crops. He substantiated the economic feasibility of growing fruits and vegetables for export. The long-term cooperation of Y. Oleskiv and I. Franko on the socio-economic and cultural development of Galicia is shown.
Keywords |
Ukrainian emigration, Canada, botany, crop production, horticulture, Galicia, dairy unions
References |
- Horak, R., Kacharaba, S., Kucheruk, V., Yavorivs'kyy, Z. (2014). Yosyp Oles'kiv. Zhyttya i diyal'nist'. [Joseph Oleskiv. Life and activity] L'viv: Proman. 440. [in Ukrainian].
- Oles'kiv Y. (1895) O emigratsii. Izdanie Obshchestva im. M. Kachkovskogo, dekabr' [About emigration. Publication of the Society. M. Kachkovsky, December 1895. Part 241] L'vov: Iz tipografii Stavropigiyskogo instituta. 72. [in Russian].
- Oles'kiv Y. (1895) Pro vil'ni zemli [About free lands] L'viv: V drukarni Naukovoho tovarystva im. Shevchenka. 38. [in Ukrainian].
- Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, McBrewster John (2010). Joseph Oleskiw. VDM Publishing. 68. [in English]
- Olesków J. (1884) О odpadaniu lisci [About leaf fall]. Kosmos. Czasopismo Polskiego Towarzystwa przyrodników imenia Kopernika. Lwów. Rok dziewiąty. S.197, 267, 317, 491 [in Polish]
- Olesków J. (1885) Рodręcznik hodowli nasion gospodarskich na podstawie teoretуcznej i praktycznej [A manual for breeding farm seeds on a theoretical and practical basis]. Lwów [in Polish]
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