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08 |
The life of prince S.P. Urusov (1859 – 1918): unknown pages
full article |
Grebnev Ya.
Pages: |
147–172 |
Summary |
Prince Sergei Petrovich Urusov is known for his work in the field of agricultural animal husbandry. Being a contemporary and associate of the fundamental figures of Russian animal husbandry, such as N. P. Chirvinsky, P. N. Kuleshov. E. F. Liskun, A. I. Pridorogin, E. A. Bogdanov and others, he left a fairly large book heritage, which is still of great importance in agriculture. The main attention in his activity is paid to horse breeding and equestrian sports, goat breeding and poultry breeding, although he has some printed works on general animal husbandry, hunting, cattle, pig breeding. For a long time, nothing was said about his merits due to his belonging to the upper class of the Russian Empire.
This article is the first attempt at compiling a biography and a socio-historical portrait of Prince Sergei Petrovich Urusov. In the article we list the factors that influenced the formation of the personality of the scientist, the military and public service of Prince Sergei Urusov at various posts, his charitable, social and scientific-literary activities, the history of his arrest and tragic death.
Keywords |
Prince Sergei Petrovich Urusov, horse breeding, goat breeding, history of animal husbandry, Elizabethan charity society, Russian-Turkish war of 1877 - 1878, Her Majesty's Leib-Dragoon Pskov regiment, Red Terror
References |
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