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07 |
Initial period of history of the Kharkiv National Agrarian University Named After V. V. Dokuchayev in the dimension of the European process of agricultural education and research affairs (end of the 18th – first half of the 19th century)
full article |
Holikova O.
Pages: |
124–146 |
Summary |
It is devoted to the topical, but insufficiently developed in domestic historiography problem of studying the initial period of formation of the European system of agricultural education and research. .The views of Ukrainian historians on this issue contradict the facts and conclusions outlined in European historiography. However, the study of the history of the Institute of Agriculture in Marymont (Kingdom of Poland), whose successor is the Kharkiv national agrarian university named after V. V. Dokuchayev, allows us to identify common to European countries processes that characterize the formation of scientific and organizational foundations of research in the system of industry training. The purpose of the publication is to study the history of the first higher agricultural educational institutions in Europe and to study the initial period of the history of the Institute of Agriculture in Marymont in the context of the European higher education system and the emergence of research.
It is proved that the founders of the first agricultural institutions of higher education in Europe on their own initiative were representatives of national elites, but their activities have gained national and international significance. Thanks to their initiative, agriculture was transformed into an independent scientific discipline, which became a powerful impetus for its further development and marked the beginning of the formalization of industry knowledge.
The process of origin and transformation of branch research in the institution is considered with the help of statutory documents of the Institute of Agriculture in Marymont. It is proved that the formalization of field research, begun under the Statute of 1835, was nullified by the Statute of 1840, which is due, first, to bringing the Polish education system after the suppression of the anti-Russian uprising of 1830-1831 to the then Russian standards ; secondly, with the dominance in the top state leadership of Russia of the idea of the priority of theoretical and practical training of agronomists and foresters as the best educational form of translation of existing production experience.
Keywords |
higher agricultural education, agricultural research, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchayev, Institute of Agriculture in Marymont, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in Marymont
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