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05 |
Kharkiv astronomical observatory at the time of the German occupation (1941–1943) during the Second World War years
full article |
Balyshev M.
Pages: |
86–107 |
Summary |
A historical and scientific study has been carried out to elucidating the facts of the history of the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory during the city occupation in 1941–1943. The Kharkiv astronomy together with the entire scientific community sustained heavy casualties: Professors O. I. Razdolsky, M. S. Sawron, S. M. Semiletov, research assistants G. L. Strashny, Y. M. Fadeev, V. O. Balansky, calculator L. M. Kostyrya were killed. Representatives of Kharkiv astronomical youth gave their lives in the fight against the enemy: M. Azbel, F. Berezovsky, I. Tymoshenko, O. Ubiyvovk. The complex of observatory construction, a number of astronomical equipment and instruments were significantly damaged during the fighting. The proportion of the staff was evacuated, but the vast majority of the observatory's staff was occupied. Based on the historical analysis it was established that the topic has not specifically been studied by the historians of astronomy. In our view, the facts of the scientific institution`s activity in Kharkiv, occupied by German troops, as well as clarification of the observatory staff biographical data need detailed consideration.
The author used special methods – historical-biographical, historical-chronological, retrospective and methods of source analysis. Their use allowed to determine the main stages of development of astronomy in Kharkiv during the German occupation of the city and to specify of the observatory staff contribution in preserving its instrumental and physical infrastructure; to find out the observatory's modalities for the operation in a certain period.
On the basis of archival documents, which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, biographical information about the majority of the Kharkiv astronomical observatory staff during the 1941–1943 is provided. The stages of the observatory restoration after the liberation of Kharkiv from the invaders are considered. It is assumed that the materials of historical and scientific research will be used in research work on the history of astronomy in Kharkov in the first half of the twentieth century.
It is expected that the materials of historical and scientific study will be used in research work on the history of astronomy in Kharkiv in the first half of the twentieth century.
Keywords |
Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory, astronomy during the Second World War, scientific research during the evacuation, Kharkiv University during the German occupation
References |
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