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The pottery workshop in the village of Oleshnia as a special honor of A. Lindfors` memory
full article |
Yutsevych P.
Pages: |
72–85 |
Summary |
The article examines the problem of honoring the memory of the Chernihiv provincial zemstvo figure and one of the leading liberals-constitutionalists of the Russian Empire Alexander Lindfors (1837–1890). In more detail, this research reveals the history of the pottery workshop in the village Oleshnia, which was supposed to be named after A. Lindfors. The purpose of this article is to highlight the problem of establishing a pottery workshop in the village. Oleshnia, as well as a study of the position on this case of the Chernihiv provincial zemstvo, Horodnia county zemstvo and the immediate entourage of A. Lindfors. The main research methods were historical-genetic and retrospective. A scientific novelty was to introduce the problem of honoring the memory of A. Lindfors through the first analysis of the events that preceded the founding of a pottery workshop named after him. In the course of the research, we came to the conclusion that, like all cases over which a truly interested person does not exercise control, the educational zemstvo pottery workshop has declined. On the one hand, the county and provincial zemstvos did not have their own profit from this case. On the other hand, P. Pashutinsky, who was appointed head of the workshop, had a completely different idea of its organization, and could not implement his plans due to the decision of the zemstvo. The heirs of A. Lindfors, which under the terms of the contract were entitled to 50% of the value of the pottery in the event of its sale, did not care about the development of their relative’s case. However, Oleshnia is still known for the skill of local potters and the special quality of the products. And in the village most of the modern potters are the heirs of the knowledge that studied by the students of the pottery workshop named after A. Lindfors. Thus, the creation of such an institution, although successful, did not realize all possibilities. The perpetuation of the memory of A. Lindfors was done in a rather original way, however, given the past years, it failed to preserve the original meaning of the dedication for posterity. Even in the pre-revolutionary era, specialized publications avoided indicating the dedication of the workshop in honor of A. Lindfors, which gave rise to rapid oblivion.
Keywords |
A. Lindfors, pottery workshop, pottery, zemstvo, Oleshnia, Chernihiv province
References |
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