 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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Agricultural biographics vs agricultural biographistics: concept, information resource, reflexive potential
full article |
Demuz І.
Pages: |
1–22 |
Summary |
The concept of «agrarian biographics» and «agrarian biographistics» is considered in the publication, author's interpretation of these terms is given. Agrarian biographics is defined as the aggregate of the entire palette of portraits of agrarian scientists, sectoral bibliographic and biobibliographic reference publications (biographical dictionaries, directories, biographical segments of universal, branch and regional encyclopedias), formation of electronic resources of biographical information, dedicated to the personalities of agrarian branch, and agrarian biography – as a separate direction of historical science on biographical researches of agrarian scientists, theoretical and methodological basis of biographical agrarian studies.
Shortly analyzed are the achievements in this field of employees of the scientific bibliography and biographistics sector – a subdivision of the Institute of History of Agrarian Science, Education and Technology of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NSAL NAAS).
It is stated that a large number of scientific works of a specifically historical nature (biographies of scientists) coexist with an extremely weak theoretical reflection on their foundations, which, accordingly, requires the development of many aspects of agrarian biographistics. Certified the existence of sectoral biographics and sectoral biographistics, and agrarian is among them.
Theoretical and methodological visions of agrarian scientists' biographies are outlined: the architectonics of publications, types / models of biographies, and methodological approaches are considered. In particular, the emphasis is on innovative methodological concepts of biographies of agrarian scientists: implementation of socio-cultural approach, network model of science, methods of synergetics, the concept of «emotional community», methodology of mental (cognitive) maps, etc.
The perspective directions of development of agrarian biographistics are determined, among them: expediency of development of terminology; development of a methodology for conducting research on agricultural scientists; approbation of the newest methods of studying and construction of biographies; attraction of interdisciplinary theoretical value; expansion of the source database of biographics, development of methods of use and analysis of sources, selection of optimal methods of their study; development of technologies for elaboration of theoretical and methodological, methodological, source and practical problems of agrarian biographics.
Keywords |
agrarian biographics, agrarian biographistics, scientific biography, intellectual biography, agrarian scientists, research methodology, bibliographic and biobibliographic publications
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