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Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V Dokuchayev in the years of occupation of the city by Hitler's troops (1941–1943)
full article |
Holikova O.
Pages: |
100-139 |
Summary |
An attempt was made to overcome the outdated view of the history of KhNAU during the Second World War and the occupation of the city by the Wehrmacht. The heroic struggle of scientific and pedagogical staff and students against the Nazi occupiers at the front and in the communist underground, as well as the activities of scientific staff and students in the evacuation of Katta-Kurgan (Uzbekistan) do not cover the full range of problems in the history of Higher education institution during the war. Another area of activity of workers of Kharkiv Agrarian Institute during the occupation is the functioning of the Kharkiv School of Agronomists (synonymous name – Agricultural Institute). This Higher education institution existed from the middle of 1942 until the liberation of Kharkiv from the invaders on August 23, 1943. The tasks of the publication are: first, to reconstruct the preconditions for opening and defining the tasks of the institute in the Nazi-occupied city; secondly, in clarifying the range of persons involved in its activities. On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, there is a need for an unbiased study of the activities of those scientific and pedagogical workers of Kharkiv Agrarian Institute who tried to survive in the terrible conditions of the Wehrmacht-occupied city and remained faithful to the farming profession. The source base of the study were official documents from the State Archives of Kharkiv region and the archives of KhNAU named after V. V. Dokuchayev, first of all personal files of employees, reports, orders, etc. It is proved that by opening the Kharkiv School of Agronomists in the conditions of the completely destroyed pre-war system of higher special education, the occupiers sought to overcome the acute shortage of agricultural specialists to increase the profitability of plundering Ukraine's resources. At the same time, this institution allowed non-evacuated to the east employees of Kharkiv Agrarian Institute and other Higher education institution of the city to survive in the conditions of Nazi terror. The functioning of the Kharkiv School of Agronomists during the occupation made it possible to restore the Kharkiv Agrarian Institute immediately after the liberation of the city from invaders on August 23, 1943.
Keywords |
KhNAU named after V. V. Dokuchayev, Nazi occupation, evacuation to Katta-Kurgan, Kharkiv School of Agronomists, Agricultural Institute in Kharkiv, Regional Land Administration
References |
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