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European experience of transfrontier cooperation
full article |
Balian A.
Pages: |
15-32 |
Summary |
The author set a goal – to analyze the formation of the basic norms of transfrontier cooperation between Ukraine and European Union in historical aspect. It has proved that the approach of the borders of the European Union requires the development of a strategy to take advantage of the Euro-regional and transfrontier cooperation of the western border regions of Ukraine with the border territories of neighboring countries in new geopolitical conditions, that will allow to neutralize the negative consequences which have arisen in connection with the introduction of a visa regime, implementation of new legislation by the neighboring state governments in the field of regulation of trade and migration. It is shown that the balanced development of border regions causes the need for creation common strategic document that would outline a uniform vision for development priorities of Euro-regional cooperation. Euro-regional cooperation is not effective unless it accompanied by the coordination of joint programs.
Analysis of the main principles, tasks and mechanisms of European Union regional policy realization will contribute to a better understanding of prospects of interregional and transfrontier cooperation of Ukraine with European Union; implementation of the main principles of regional policy EU to national legislation of Ukraine and realization new goal of foreign policy – speeding up the definite by European Union of accurate criteria for Ukraine in order to obtain the ultimate associate member EU status.
The research methods are general scientific (analysis, synthesis, classification and systematization), structural and functional, source study, content-analysis. Collections of scientific works, material of scientific and practical conferences, results of domestic and foreign scientific research, statistical yearbooks, reference materials, periodicals were used as an information basis of study.
Keywords |
transfrontier cooperation, European Union, migration, visa regime, interregional cooperation, socio-economic development, transnational cooperation, region
References |
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