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Scientific-organizational and representative activities of the Poltava Office of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine in 1922-1924
full article |
Hryshchenko T.
Pages: |
146–156 |
Summary |
The conducted historical exploration is a continuation of a series of authorial explorations on the functioning of the regional offices of a powerful coordination and scientific-methodical center of agrarian science and research case – the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine in 1918–1927. The purpose of this paper is a comprehensive study of the constitutive experience of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine in the organization coordinating activities on the periphery of the example of scientific study of organizational issues of the regional office in Poltava. The author carried out the historical exploration using general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, classification and historical methods: historical research, problem-chronological, comparative-historical, periodization and retrospective, as well as historiographic, source, archival analysis.
For the first time local branches officially defined in the «Statute of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine» in 1920. In particular, the Statute emphasized that the Committee could opened some scientific institutions on its regulations. Shortly thereafter, the Plenum of the Committee approved a special «Temporary Instruction of Organization of Local Branches of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine». The document stated that any representative offices could established in different cities of Ukraine within the territory they serve, and they should perform tasks and functions similar to those of the Committee. The organizational building of the branches carried out on the model of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine and consisted of relevant problem sections, bureaus, etc. with the consent of the structural units of the main coordinating institution.
The Resolution of the Board of the Poltava Agricultural Scientific Society on May 30, 1922 determined that Poltava Agricultural Scientific Society, while remaining separate legal institution that exists under its Charter, took over the functions of the Poltava branch of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine. It pledged to run errands last accordance with the Committee’s provisions and general instructions about the organization and activities including its branches. As this instruction was not adapted to the charter of the company as a regional representation of the Committee, it drafted amendments to paragraphs 6–8 and submitted for approval to the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine.
The scientific and social activities of the Poltava Office consisted mainly in reading and discussing at the general meeting of scientific reports. It was actively engaged in publishing. It organized its own well-appointed library and widely disseminated agricultural research case. Particular attention was paid to the study of weed fields, the survey of sowing and yielding grain of the main grain crops in Poltava region, the development of intensive crops, in particular tobacco, the development of agricultural cooperatives, etc. The Poltava Office had a terminological and bibliographic commission, which worked closely with the Terminological Bureau of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine and expanded its activities mainly in the widest organization of collecting folk terminological material. In 1924, Poltava Office of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine has initiated the creation of Scientific Committee at the Poltava Agronomic-Cooperative Technical College.
There are reasons to say that the Poltava Office has made a significant contribution to the development of the region in the natural history direction. This was achieved through the wide involvement of prominent agrarian figures and indifferent personalities. Their achievements have been repeatedly presented at the regional and national levels. The Office's scientific and organizational activities testified to a high level of professionalism in conducting fundamental explorations and establishing cooperation with national central scientific units under the coordination and methodological start of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine.
Keywords |
Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine, Poltava Office, regional offices, Poltava Society of Agriculture and Agricultural Industry, К. Dybnyak, agricultural science, research case
References |
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