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6 Kharkiv newspaper «Utro» about the improvement of the city during the period of revolutionary events 1905‒1907 full article
Maliutina O.
Pages: 88-105

The article analyzes the materials of Kharkiv non-governmental newspaper «Utro» (published in 1906‒1907) on the question of improvement of the urban infrastructure, such as: creation of the first electric tram line and the further development of the tram service; construction of a pawnshop; opening the monument to founder of Kharkiv University V.N. Karazin. The newspaper «Utro» continued the traditions of liberal Kharkiv newspapers. «Mir», «Volna», «Budushchee», «Devyaty Val», «Nakanune» were «suspended» (banned), because they didn’t support the traditional monopoly the imperial system on information.

The official conception was to ignore cooperation with a politically active part of society. At the same time the policy of pressing socio-political activity was implemented. It meant displacement of liberal views into semi-legal sphere of public expression. In this situation «Utro» didn’t declare its political position. That’s why the newspaper managed to survive in 1906‒1916, in spite of numerous suspensions, penalties and administrative charges.

The publication raised both important socio-political problems and economic topics. During the period of large-scale socio-political transformations, caused by the the period of revolutionary events of 1905‒1907, the city continued to live its own life, resolving questions of renovation and improvement of urban infrastructure.

The task of the independent press was to transmit objective information and to form a vision of significant ideas, on the basis of which public opinion was forming. «Utro» defended the interests of the city, helped to strengthen the traditions of civil self-organization, when society could express its position through non-governmental channels. The editorial staff wasn’t afraid of spreading information about mistakes of local authorities. For example, there was a scandalous situation with the Belgian transport concession. The city was greatly influenced with its monopolies dictate.

Discontent of Kharkiv residents was also caused by collapse of the wall during the construction of the pawnshop (1907). Active position of correspondents of «Utro» made its contribution into forming the thought of necessity of putting ideas into life with the force of the citizens. As a result, Kharkivates took the responsibility for the implementation of complex and expensive projects.

The launch of the first city tram line, public initiative to create the monument to V.N. Karazin made it possible to feel the involvement of the society into civil and political spheres of life. Efficiency, truthful presentation of information about important city events showed that the newspaper «Utro» became a significant factor in the political life of Kharkiv.

Newspaper «Utro», electric tram, pawnshop, monument to V.N. Karazin, Kharkiv, revolutionary events (1905‒1907)
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