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History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 22
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.22 22 Mykhaylo Savchenko-Bilskyi – Minister of Agriculture of Ukrainian Central Council (1917) full article
Pages: 70-72 Summary October coup of 1917 was not limited to a simple transition of political power from one hand to another. In that too complicated for Ukraine state period – from August to November 1917 – Mykhaylo Savchenko-Bilskyi (1874–?) held a guide land-power institution in the country, at that time – Ukrainian Central Council. The publication reveals the corrected biography of the Ukrainian noted figure.
The Ukrainian government – Small Council of Ukrainian Central Council, headed by V.K. Vynnychenko, in the summer of 1917 received negative judgments especially in the peasant masses. The General Secretary for Land Affairs Mykhaylo Savchenko-Bilskyi had formed the government of a new Ukrainian Central Council. Party colleagues tried to deny, however pledged to support the General Secretariat – as Ukrainian Central Council government’s agency.
The practical activity of the land institution began. With the involvement of the land management, they agreed on the establishment of a separate management position that would deal with food issues. Let us emphasize the special significance for the landed institution under the guidance of Mykhaylo Savchenko-Bilskyi, – The First All-Ukrainian Agronomic and Economic Congress (October 24–26, 1917). The congressional materials predicted the unification of local socio-agronomic forces, and by resolutions – agrarian and scientific perception of the future. The official took an active part in the consideration of current issues, reported on the activities of the land agency, etc. We should noticed that under the guidance of Mykhaylo Savchenko-Bilskyi formed clerical instruction, which proposed land reform because it spread in the same order for the Provisional Government of Russia, where the land issue is not affected. This awakened a number of problems, in particular, the formation of an agrarian administration, which focused on national territories that Russian officials did not want. Therefore, the Ukrainian Central Council began to solve the land reform on its own. The main aspects had described in materials of the III Universal of the Ukrainian Central Council with the main conclusion – the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly would observed the land reform. The Ukrainian Central Council’s officials were in a hurry to explain to the peasants the reasons for the liquidation of land ownership. However, in fact, the Ukrainian Central Council has not started the land ownership at the national level.
For the reasons given the conductor of land institution Mykhaylo Savchenko-Bilskyi resigned (November 1917) with motivation: he had not agree with the installation of the Ukrainian Central Council’s III Universal concerning the implementation of the land reform.
Keywords Mykhaylo Savchenko-Bilskyi, Minister of Agriculture, Ukrainian Central Council, agrarian reform, land ownership, Universal of UCC References
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