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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 19
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.19 19 Contribution of Academician M.M. Hryshko and Professor D.F. Lykhvar: in the context of the development of agricultural research work and organization of the botanical institutions in Ukraine (20-50’s of the 20th century) full article
Pages: 61-63 Summary The purpose of this study is to research the main results of the creative collaboration of Professor D.F. Lykhvar and Academician M.M. Hryshko during the period of their general activity in the research institutions of Ukraine (20–50’s of the 20th century) by the basis of methods of specific-historical, comparative and problem-chronological analysis.
The results of the research found that for the first time the fates of M.M. Hryshko and D.F. Lykhvar crossed during studying at the Poltava Agro-Cooperative Technical School, since both were natives of this region. In 1924 the third year student D.F. Lykhvar with a student of the second year M.M. Hryshko and Professor V.Ya. Demyanenko initiated organization of the student’s agronomic circle in an agro-cooperative college. Professor V.I. Sazanov, Director of the Poltava Agricultural Research Station, who created the «Research Work Section», which initially numbered 10 people («a dozen golds»), was among Professors of the Poltava Agro-Cooperative Technical School. Among them, V.F. Musienko, P.P. Lozitsky, M. Kalchenko, S.I. Lebedev, M.M. Hrishko, D.F. Lykhvar and others were too.
The paths of both scientists again crossed into Glukhiv. In 1931, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Cannabis (AUSRIC) was established on the basis of the Glukhiv Zonal Station of Spinling Cultures. Since then, both scientists have a common object of research – cannabis, although their directions differed somewhat.
In 1945, D.F. Lykhvar went to work at the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR at the invitation by M.M. Hrishko, who headed the institution. During this period, scientists worked on building a garden. With the assistance of M.M. Hrishko in Germany D.F. Lykhvar ordered and dispatched to Kiev 167 thousand sapling units, seeds of 1372 species, the Library of the Institute of Roses (4679 books), about 700 pieces of various agricultural implements, which cost about 3.5 million Soviet rubles (500 thousand German marks).
The general conclusion is that the collaboration of prominent scientists contributed to intensive scientific research on the selection and acclimatization of cannabis in the 30’s – 40’s of the 20th century, as well as the development of the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, which, in the diversity of collections of living plants, the scale of the territory, the level of scientific research, occupies one of the leading places among the largest botanical gardens in Europe.
Keywords M.M. Hrishko, D.F. Lykhvar, Poltava Agro-Cooperative Technical School, cannabis, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Cannabis, Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR References
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