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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 18
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.18 18 Formation of model of agricultural science management in Ukraine (20’s of 20th century): historical and scientific aspect full article
Pages: 58-60 Summary The results of the research of the history of formation of scientific and organizational foundations of the national agrarian science and innovative activity within its boundaries during 20’s of the 20th century were presented. The employees of the branch of science of science of the Institute of history of agrarian sciences, education and technology of the National Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. The process of finding methods and principles for creating a system for organizing scientific support for the development of agriculture in Ukraine during the 20th century of the 20th century is considered. The updated need for the acquired knowledge on implementation of innovations in the management of domestic innovative activity in the historical retrospective is substantiated. On the basis of the results of historical and scientific analysis, one of the examples of the invention and introduction of effective new approaches to the practice of the agrarian sphere as an innovative product of a certain segment of the country’s historical period is disclosed.
It was established that previous transformations of the management apparatus did not bring effective results due to the scale of organizational work, continuous discussions and other factors. During the 1920’s, at various levels, discussions and discussions were held on the regional principle of organization of research, which had a number of shortcomings of practical nature, including the uncertainty in the correctness of zonal division of the territory of the republic, confusion with the functions of universal stations, uncertainty of the tasks of their main departments, financing and other In addition, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to in-depth study of scientific support of agriculture in Ukraine through the organization of special institutes of all Ukrainian scale, which will be able to carry out work efficiently in the future, based on the developed integrated programs of regional agricultural research stations. The newly created projects of different institutions are characterized by the selection of the most rational, the further successful activity of which has laid the scientific and organizational basis, which in spite of the development of industry experimentation in the academic form of activity.
Keywords agrarian science, innovative activity, branch research, historical experience, organizational models References
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