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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 16
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.16 16 Professor of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute M.B. Delone (1856–1931): some aspects of his activities in aviation full article
Pages: 52-54 Summary In the article on the basis of the archived documents, the periodic sources and the memoir literature the «aviation aspects» of activity of mathematician and mechanic, professor of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Mykola B. Delone (1856–1931) in the first fourth of 20 century is described – his studies and work in higher technical institutes in Russian Empire, his work in the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, his activity in Kyiv public aviation organizations – Aeronautic group of KPI and Kyiv Society of Aeronautics; attempts of building of own construction gliders, his publishing activity in Kyiv. Some facts of biographic character of aircraft designer are also specified (in particular, about his parents and family). The new archive materials are introduced into scientific circulation; its were unknown for the researches before.
The article is based on the archival documents such as funds of Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Kyiv, State Archive of Kyiv, State Archive of Kyiv Region, Institute of Manuscripts of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, and the periodic press (Kyiv newspaper «Kievlyanin» and central editions («Aeronaut»)).
In the first part of the article a history of Delone family is described. Mykola B. Delone was the descendant Bernard Rene Jourdan, marquis de Launay (1740–1789) – the last French governor of Bastille. Mykola B. Delone graduate the Moscow University in 1878 and the worked in next higher technical institutes in Russian Empire – the Saint Petersburg State University, the Novo-Oleksandriysk Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in Pulavy (near Warsaw), the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Mykola II, the Kyiv State University of Saint Volodymyr. From 1906 till 1915 he worked in Kyiv Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Alexander II (KPI). It’s very important, that Mykola B. Delone was among temporally invited, from a pay after free naymom!
In the second part of the article a role of Mykola B. Delone in organization and activity of two Kyiv aviation organizations in the beginning of 20 century – the student Aeronautical group in KPI and Kyiv Society of aeronautic. It must be emphasized that he was not organizer of the first of them, and in the second he headed it only one year – 1909/1910. In KPI he took some lectures on history of aeronautics and tried to organize an aerodynamic laboratory of new type.
Then the aspects of his activity – teaching, lecture, translating and publishing activity in the case of popularization of aviation – are expounded. Practical work of Mykola B. Delone in this period is described: constructing and building of gliders, after relatively accessible for each the sum, their practical test and use, and also distribution of new knowledges with the help of by printing facilities.
It especially follows to mark a publishing activity of Mykola B. Delone. So, after his name brochure «Device of cheap and easy glider and flying methods on it» was printed. In it principles of construction of cheap – about 20 roubles cost – and easy glider were described, its transporting, assembly and flights on it.
We hope that this article will extend our knowledge about of aviation aspects of activity of mechanic and mathematician Mykola B. Delone in the beginning of 20 century and will became a stimulus for further researches.
Keywords Mykola B. Delone, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, gliding, aviation, education, Aeronautical group in KPI, Kyiv Society of aeronautic References
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