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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 15
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.15 15 Scientific achievements of professor Illya Vitanovich (1899–1973), a famous economist and researcher of Ukrainian cooperation full article
Pages: 49-51 Summary The work analyzes scientific-pedagogical and organizational activity of professor Illia Vytanovych (1899–1973), describes his contribution to development of domestic agrarian sciences and education, and specifies factors of his formation as a scientist. A particular attention was paid to educational and publicist activity of the personality, who held classes at Private Ukrainian Trade School of the community «Ridna shkola» in Lviv in 1927–1937, and was a director of Cooperative lyceum (1937–1939).
The research considers importance of I. Vytanovych in performance of the Institute of Social-Economic History of Lviv University. The scientist worked there in 1929–1939. The article also evaluates his scientific work as a chairman of the board of new history of Ukraine of the SCSh (1933). The researcher prepared a set of works, devoted to activities of well-known Ukrainian scientists, such as V. Navrotskyi, K. Pankivskyi, M. Tuhan-Baranovskyi, V. Nahirnyi, Ye. Olesnytskyi.
The work makes periodization of scientific activity of the scientist, demonstrating his contribution to development of economic science and national cooperation, scientific and educational institutions. The article argues chronological and territorial principles of distribution of the researcher’s heritage into two stages: 1) Galicia (1899–1939); 2) emigration (1940–1973). Within the two periods, there are some specified groups of the scientist’s works, distinguished according to the subject-topic principle, particularly: 1) history of Ukrainian cooperation; 2) history of Ukrainian peasants; 3) economic history and life story of well-known Ukrainian scientists.
The study of Ukrainian cooperation resulted in a fundamental encyclopedic edition «History of Ukrainian cooperative movement» (New York, 1964), in which the author characterized evolution of the cooperative movement not only in Galicia, but also in Ukraine, described specific features of Ukrainian cooperation, its historical and spiritual sources in the period from the end of 19th to the middle of 20th century.
The principal results obtained from the research include:
- Presentation of scientific contribution of the scientist in establishment of Ukrainian cooperation institutions;
- Description of the fundamentals of I. Vytanovych’s understanding of the nature of cooperative movement in the Western Europe and Ukraine;
- Consolidation and introduction of little-known facts about the work of I. Vytanovych in Ukrainian emigration institutions (Ukrainian Free University, Ukrainian High Economic School in Munich, North-Western Institute in Evenstone, USA) into the scientific circulation;
- Analysis of the contribution by I. Vytanovych to investigation of scientific biographies of Ukrainian scientists and promoters.
Keywords scientific achievements, scientific researches, cooperation, eastern Galicia, economic thought References
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