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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 14
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.14 14 The history of development of potato selection in the Polish Research Station named after A.N. Zasukhin (1914–2018) full article
Pages: 46-48 Summary The article presents the historical-scientific analysis of the development of potato selection at the Polissya Research Station named after A.N. Zasukhin. On the basis of a wide range of different sources, periodicals, statistical materials, scientific literature, the formation of research work was analyzed and analyzed, and data on the selection of potatoes during the mentioned periods were presented (1914–2018).
It has been determined that many years of experience in the production of potatoes, the availability of valuable raw materials, point to new opportunities for the production of potato varieties that meet the growing production requirements.
Taking into account the considerable danger to potato republics of the distribution and harmfulness of potato nematodes (G. rostochiensis), breeders of the experimental station on the basis of foreign varieties (Hydra, Gitte, Omega and Renema) were created potato varieties resistant to nematodes, which were zoned in Ukraine in different years: Vihola (1987), Bereginya (1992), Dobrochyn (1995), Polissya-96 and Pooran (2001). In recent years, a new group of potato resistant nematodes has been created at the experimental station, which is listed in the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine: Zvizdal, Partner, Predslava and Teterev. In addition to high yields, these varieties combine high taste, ecological plasticity and fitness for mechanized cultivation. It has been established that 69 varieties of potatoes of various economic purposes were created by breeders of the Polissya Research Station named after A.N. Zasukhin, of which 51 were entered in the national registers of plant varieties of Ukraine, Russia, the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Eight varieties (Avant-Garde, Alliance, Basalia, Barskaya Belaya, Volodarka, Alexandrite, Opilia, Sonadar) are currently undergoing state variety tests. For new varieties of potatoes, scientists have developed elements of varietal agrotechnics, namely: the reaction to various norms of mineral nutrition, cutting of tubers, heating and sprouting of planting material has been studied, their stalk forming ability is determined.
It is found out that now scientists and specialists of the station are working on the creation of new high-yielding and stable potato varieties, develop and implement productive and efficient technological processes of production of elite seeds and environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies of potato production.
Keywords potatoes, breeding, hybridization, varieties, Polissya research station named after A.N. Zasukhin, scientists, State variety testing References
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