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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 13
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.13 13 Professor L.V. Kozubenko (1938–2019) – an outstanding native scientist in the field of selection and genetics full article
Pages: 43-45 Summary It is determined that for the development of agricultural science familiarization with scientific heritage of selectionists-planters has priceless value. It is defined that Leonid Vasylovych Kozubenko rightfully takes a particular place in the history of domestic science, having came into it as one of the prominent agrarians of the 20–21 century. The aim of the work is the revelation on the basis of archival documents and published scientific works of L.V. Kozubenko of his role as a scientist, popularizer and one of the organizers of the scientific supplying of agriculture running at the Institute of plant growing nd. a V.Ya. Yuriev NAAS during 1962 – 2019.
A number of regularities on pairs selection in hybridization, heredity and changeability of the main economically valuable symptoms of hybrids, on genetics of quantitative symptoms of corn were set up by him, methods of increasing of the effectiveness of selection were worked out. The scientist’s researches in creation of valuable sorts of corn were based on the improvement and development of the new methods and researching of the regularities of a special genetics of corn. A number of regularities on pairs selection in hybridization, heredity and changeability of the main economically valuable symptoms of hybrids, on genetics of quantitative symptoms of corn were set up by Leonid Vasylovych, methods of increasing of the effectiveness of selection were worked out. The course of life and creative development of a prominent native scientist in the field of breeding and genetics of agricultural crops are analyzed in the article with the method of historical and scientific analysis. He went through his creative career from a Senior Assistant to the Chief Scientist of the laboratory of corn selection at the Institute of plant growing nd. a V.Ya. Yuriev NAAS. A characteristic feature of his activity was a deep versatile erudition that provided him with deserved authorityamong the scientific community of agricultural science. A statesman and a civil figure, a prominent geneticist, selectionist and biotechnologist, a skilled organizer, a Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, a Professor, an Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, Leonid Vasylovych Kozubenko continued the selection business of his predecessors until his last breath. Periodization of selection of corn, developed in the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuryev NAAS, is suggested.
The article reveals the role of L.V. Kozubenko as a scientist, popularizer and one of the organizers of scientific support of farming in the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuryev NAAS during 1962–2019, on the basis of analysis of literary sources and his published scientific papers.
Keywords L.V. Kozubenko, corn, selection, genetics, seed production, hybridization, hybrid, sort References
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