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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 12
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.12 12 Development of egg poultry farming in the public sector of the Ukrainian SSR in 1951–1991 full article
Pages: 40-42 Summary The purpose of the research is to identify the main periods of development of egg poultry farming in the public sector in the Ukrainian SSR in 1951–1991 taking into account socio-economic and scientific-organizational factors. It has established that during the period of 1951–1964 the industry developed in an extensive way. Scientists have studied the efficiency of keeping egg-laying hens on deep litter and cage batteries, lengthening the light day. The influence of different feed rations on the egg productivity of egg-laying hens has investigated. It have decided the issue of the creation of specialized poultry based on working with several breeds and lines.
The period 1964–1971 was influenced by the transfer of poultry farming into an industrial base. It have introduced advanced methods of feeding poultry with complete dry fodder and cereal mixtures, which allowed the use of complex mechanization of production, reduce the cost of labor for the maintenance of poultry, increase its productivity. The main organizational forms of industrial production of eggs became specialized breeding farms, large poultry farms with a complete cycle of production, industrial farms of collective farms and state farms for the production of food eggs. For the production of food eggs, the use of hybrid poultry has expanded.
The period 1971–1982 was marked by the further development of industrial egg poultry farming. One of the prominent scientific achievements of domestic scientists was the creation of crosses «Birky-I» and «Birky-II». They began to replace poultry from the floor on cage keeping in mechanized cage batteries. During this period, hybrid poultry began to be used on specialized poultry farms.
Ukrainian scientists came to the conclusion that industrial poultry farming need hybrids of hens of egg crosses with a long (16-18 months) continuous egg laying and high preservation. The high level of productivity and genetic homogeneity of poultry, which were used in industrial poultry farming, led to a decrease in breeding progress. This situation led to the systematic introduction of new high-performance crosses of poultry, the cost of which constantly increased.
During the fourth period (1982–1991), the development of egg poultry farming it has studied the effectiveness of using traditional sources of calcium and phosphorus for egg chickens and their effect on egg productivity of egg-laying hens. The dynamics of the concentration of free amino acids in the liver was determined based on the conditions of the protein content of the egg-laying hens.
Keywords egg poultry farming, egg-laying hens, breeding, feeding, selection, keeping on the floor, keeping in the cages, cage batteries References
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