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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 10
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.10 10 Evolution of scientific thought in relation to water control in Ukraine in beginning of 21th century full article
Pages: 32-34 Summary It is set that water control is attributed to priority directions of public policy of Ukraine that is examined as one of major factors of steady development of society. It is found out, that at the beginning 21th of century the aquicultural complex of Ukraine had substantial organizational defects: managed, financed and technically different ministries, agencies and services, and communal enterprises of local authorities, directed him, that brought in certain inconsistency in rationalization of the use and guard of water resources and did not provide the proper order in a water consumption. Certainly, that maintenance and effective use of self-potential of water fund of Ukraine required adjusting of aquicultural activity and rational allocation of present water resources with the aim of satisfaction of interests of all parties concerned. Government control in this direction became urgent and inevitable on all levels of organization of public management – national, regional and local. Therefore, development of industry of water economy required cardinal changes in attitude of the state toward activity of aquicultural complex and reformation of control system by water resources, in fact socio-economic development of our country depended on a public management.
Certainly, that basic factors for the effective adjusting of aquicultural activity and rational allocation of water resources in Ukraine became: creation of normatively-legal base of rational use of nature and guard of environment; direct realization of ecological measures at state level: ecological monitoring, scientific researches in the direction of conservancy, preparation of corresponding specialists, planning and arrangement of territories, adjusting of placing of different economic objects, realization of ecological examination of projects, development and realization of the ecological programs; state measures sent to forcing of use of nature to the guard of natural environment: licensing and normative adjusting of use of nature, penalty approvals; state economic stimulation of nature protection activity of private sector: subsidies, favourable rates of taxes, loan, credits and others like that; state measures that induced use of nature to the guard of natural environment: requiring payment of use of nature with including of collections for contamination of natural environment; state ecological control.
Keywords evolution, scientific thought, water resources, managements, rational use of nature, government control References
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