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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 9
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.9 9 Kyiv Polytechnic Community of Engineers and Agronomy at the Kyiv Polytechnical Institute of the Emperator of Alexander II (1911–1916): main organizational aspects of activities full article
Pages: 29-31 Summary The article attempts to analyze publications of the pre-revolutionary period, which cover issues of the activities of the Kyiv Polytechnic Society of Engineers and Agronomists (KPSEA), which existed in 1911–1916. The Kyiv Polytechnic Society of Engineers and Agronomists, operating at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute of the Emperor Alexander II in1911, was a very powerful scientific center at the beginning of the 20th century.
The founders of this society became known scientists-engineers: P.E. Butenko, I.F. Ponomarev, B.G. Sakhnovsky, I.A. Feshchenko-Chopovsky and others. For its first year of existence included 297 people (leading scientists, teachers, students, graduates of the university). The importance of scientific achievements of the society and its contribution to the development of domestic engineering and agricultural research on Ukrainian lands at the beginning of the 20th century were shown. The structure of the society, the direction of research, and its personal composition are determined by methods of source-study and archival analysis.
In the course of the investigate, it was found that at the Society there were 4 sections (according to the prototype of the existing branches of the Institute): agronomic, engineering, mechanical, chemical, as well as reference (from 1912) and technical and advisory bureau (since 1913). Separately there was a subsection «The Circle of Inventors» (1915–1917) and Courses for Engineers.
The little-known pages of the scientific activity of the sections of the society, the technical and consulting bureau, the subsection «The Circle of Inventors» are covered. The list of some scientific developments of the members of the Kiev Polytechnic Society of Engineers and Agronomists in the fields of mechanics, engineering, chemistry and agriculture were given.
Therefore, in the future, a more detailed study of KPSEA activity is planned. In the course of the study, general approaches to the analysis and systematization of scientific and organizational activities of the Kyiv Polytechnic Society of Engineers and Agronomists will be improved, and the ways of using its achievements at the present stage of development of engineering and agricultural science are outlined. Introduced new scientific materials for scientific circulation. A direction of scientific work concerning the reproduction of the activities of sectoral societies in the development of domestic engineering and agricultural research will get further development.
Keywords science, society, research, sections, educational activity, inventions, bureau References
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