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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 8
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.8 8 The stages of development of the machine tool industry in the Ukrainian lands from the end of the 19th century to the 1940’s full article
Pages: 25-28 Summary The necessity of this work is dictated by the contradictions existing in the historiography of the evolution of industry in Ukraine in the assessment of the degree and dynamics of its machine-tool engineering industry development from the end of 19 century till 1940s. Especially the given moment is inherent in studies of the period, preceding The First Five Year Plan (1928–1932). The essence of these contradictions is that, on the one hand, the authors unanimously state the absence of machine tools in Ukrainian lands till 1930s, on the other hand, most of them give historical facts indicating the release of metal-cutting equipment during the same period and on this same territory. The latter is also confirmed by the archival documents studied by the author of this publication during the research of the development of Ukrainian machine-building. Thus, there was a historical assumption that the chronologically alternating forms of Ukrainian machine-tool existence were so different in the epoch under consideration that each subsequent one would deny the previous one.
Confirmation or refutation of this assumption required the periodization of the development of Ukrainian machine-tool building in the selected chronological interval. In other words, there was a need to establish all forms of existence that the industry took in the period under the research. To reach this goal, an approach was adopted according to it each of these forms was represented as the current form of manifestation of the essence of the process of machine-tool engineering development. The very essence was taken as a set of actions aimed to the formation and use of branch scientific and technical potential. The degree of effectiveness of these actions determined the form of manifestation of Ukrainian machine-tool engineering as a phenomenon in each of the phases of its development. Based on the accepted approach, qualitative changes in methods of formation and use of information, material and technical, personnel and organizational components of the branch scientific and technical potential in the conditions of current market conditions were chosen as criteria assessments. The corresponding quantitative indicators were not considered, since their values are determined not so much by the result of changes in consumer demand, but by the presence of a preventive opportunity to create conditions for satisfying this demand through its own production - that is, the quality of scientific and technical potential.
As a result of the periodization, eight stages of development of the Ukrainian machine-building industry were revealed within the selected time interval. In this case, the cyclic character of the investigated process was established in the period from the mid of 1870s to the end of 1920s. This cycle was partly confirmed by the historical assumption previously mentioned. Particularity was manifested in the fact that in the stages of cyclic development, not every subsequent phase leveled its form of the fact of perceiving the historical possibility of having the preceding one. This peculiarity involved only every subsequent phase of progress in relation to the previous phase of progress. Meanwhile, in each of the alternating phases of the recession, the branch scientific and technological potential was not completely abolished; therefore, the next stage of progress had a more skilful manifestation of its form, although it was essentially the same as the previous one. By the end of the 1920s, the cyclic nature of the development of Ukrainian machine-tool engineering began to change into a steady progressive one, which in the historical perception of this process created the illusion of the beginning of the industry formation precisely in this period, and led to the contradictions indicated above in the corresponding historiography.
Keywords machine-tool engineering, metal-cutting equipment, scientific and technical potential, machine-tool, stage, period, sporadic, systematicity, systematic References
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