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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 7
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.7 7 The activities of the American relief administration (ARA) in the Polish Republic in the context of international assistance (1919 – mid 20’s of the 20th century) full article
Pages: 22-24 Summary The proposed scientific publication covers the activities of the American Relief Administration in the territory of the Polish Republic after the First World War. The raised scientific problem for a long time remained undetected. The patriotic historical science considered the activities of international philanthropic organizations in Eastern Europe fairly casually. The work of the American humanitarian organizations in the restored Poland has actually fallen out of the scientific interest of Ukrainian scholars. It should be emphasized that the presented scientific intelligence illustrates the beginning of the activities of the American Relief Administration in Poland after the First World War. The preconditions and the main motivating factors of American assistance are analyzed. The main principles of the ARA in Poland are presented. The quantitative and qualitative composition of assistance is determined. An analysis of the diet of Polish children provided by the ARA is quite helpful. The article provides statistical information on the extent of US assistance to the countries of Eastern Europe and the level of assistance to the Republic of Poland. The analysis of the staff of the American Relief Administration in Poland is quite important. Also defined is the role of Herbert Hoover in the organization of a helping company. The sources of financing a humanitarian company by the American philanthropic organization have been thoroughly investigated.
The humanitarian company, which was held in Poland by the American Relief Administration, was the most ambitious of all such companies for the countries of Eastern Europe led by the ARA. Herbert Hoover sent to Poland a significant number of American experts who formed the backbone of the Polish representation of the ARA. Thus, assistance from American philanthropic organizations played a significant role in restoring Poland’s economic potential, improving social status and living standards of citizens. Increasing the living standards of the population helped to prevent the spread of left radical currents, in particular Bolshevism.
Keywords Eastern Europe, famine, American Relief Administration, Herbert Hoover, restored Poland, Polish Republic, ARA, Joint References
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