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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 6
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.6 6 Historical and retrospective analysis of the pedagogical vision of professor N.V. Sklifosovsky (1836–1904) full article
Pages: 18-21 Summary The article discusses the leading aspects of the scientific and pedagogical activity of N.V. Sklifosovsky, his contribution to the development of domestic medical science in the late 19 – early 20 centuries is justified. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the historical and pedagogical aspects of the formation and development of the ideas of higher medical education in the scientific and pedagogical heritage of N.V. Sklifosovsky, the actualization of his contribution to the development of national medical science in the late 19 – early 20 centuries. The solution of the goal has been achieved by solving the following tasks: to analyze the main milestones of the life and career of N.V. Sklifosovsky, and systematize the factors that determined his development as a scientist and personality; to characterize the main achievements of a scientist in various fields of medical science and classify his main publications; to study the specifics of the teaching activity of N.V. Sklifosovsky and the transformation of his views in today’s conditions. As a result of the historical-retrospective analysis, a biographical sketch of the life and professional activity of Nikolai Sklifosovsky was described, and chronological periods of professional activity were determined. The contribution of Nikolai Sklifosovsky to the development of world clinical and military field surgery was substantiated and the specifics of his teaching activity and the factors shaping the ideas of professional medical education in the scientific and pedagogical heritage were determined. In the course of the analytical search, it was established the need to transform the ideas of the researcher in the current conditions of reforming the medical industry in Ukraine.
Problem statement in a general view and connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The domestic health care system is currently looking for ways out of the crisis situation and building a new model that is close to European standards. And this process necessarily requires a change in the paradigm of basic secondary and higher medical education. One of the most important resources for the successful implementation of reforms is the proper staffing and high-quality training of medical personnel. The aim of the study is to substantiate the historical and pedagogical aspects of the formation and development of the ideas of higher medical education in the scientific and pedagogical heritage of N.V. Sklifosovsky, the actualization of his contribution to the development of domestic medical science at a later age 19 – early 20 centuries.
Objectives of the study:
- to analyze the main milestones of the life and career of N.V. Sklifosovsky, and systematize the factors that determine its formation as a scientist and personality;
- to characterize the main achievements of a scientist in various fields of medical science and classify his main publications;
- to study the specifics of the teaching activity of N.V. Sklifosovsky and the transformation of his views in today’s conditions.The formation of the scientific worldview of Sklifosovsky was influenced by the outstanding scientists of the Faculty of Medicine, first of all F.I. Inozemtsev and the famous surgeon V.А. Basova. Of great importance for the formation of his consciousness as a doctor and scientist were the works of N.I. Pirogov and I.M. Sechenov. At the university, Fyodor Inozemtsev worked as rector at that time, who was one of the first to apply ether anesthesia, an outstanding physiologist Vasily Basov, who taught a course in theoretical surgery. These two lights of medical science had a decisive influence on the choice of Nikolai Vasilyevich drug profile, as well as his passion for topographic anatomy and surgery.
Keywords Constitutional Democratic Party, Kharkiv deputies, Vyborg Appeal, disbanding of the First State Duma, N. A. Gredescul References
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