On the base of archives and articles from cadet periodicals, the reaction of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets), in particular deputies from Kharkiv, to the appeal, signed in Vyborg (Finland), has been observed. As a token of protest against the dismissal of the 1st State Duma, 180 deputies, mostly cadets, signed the appeal «To people from people’s representatives». The address to people contained the appeal to passive resistance (civil disobedience) and was aimed at peaceful ways of counteraction the power. However, the government considered this statement as revolutionary and illegal. The analysis of «Vyborg Appeal» leads to the conclusion that it appeared as a result deep of disappointment of Cadets in the actions of the authorities. For the Cadet Party it was the Rubicon, which couldn’t be crossed in the organization of public forces in fight for the constitutional way of development. The firm rebuff to the executive power was based only on the word threat. Cadets haven’t done any serious practical actions to put it into life. The main aim of the liberals was to avoid absolutely real danger of a new revolutionary explosion. Special attention has been concentrated at the character of the position of N. A. Gredescul, a comrade (assistant) of the chairman of the State Duma, an outstanding Kharkiv social-political figure, the dean of the Faculty of Law of Kharkiv University, a famous publicist. Petersburg newspaper «Rech» and Kharkiv newspaper «Nakanune» regularly published his articles, informational notes, speeches in the State Duma, appeals of voters to him and his answers. Gredescul’s publicism reflected his personal perception of events, as well as the position of the Constitutional-Democratic Party on key issues. But he considered supporting the appeal «a matter of his honour», not only a party duty. Together with other Kharkiv deputies, who signed the appeal, N. A. Gredescul was deprived of electoral rights. Moreover, signing Vyborg Appeal, ruined his career and he lost nobiliary title. Such actions were a typical example of the attitude of the imperial system to the opinion and demands of the society.
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