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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 4
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.4 4 Hunger in the Mykolaiv’s region in the period of New Economic Policy (1921–1922): state policy and nature presence full article
Pages: 11-14 Summary The purpose of the scientific investigation was to determine whether or not the exclusively climatic conditions were caused by the famine in the South of Ukraine in 1921–1922, or perhaps under cover of weather conditions, the Soviet government made the first attempt to apply the policy of curbing the Ukrainian peasantry by famine. The article examines the original regional historical processes of implementing the new economic policy at an early stage, during the famine of 1921–1922 in the south of Ukraine, in particular in the Mykolaiv region.
In carrying out scientific research the author used historical chronological, comparative statistical, dialectical, critical methods for obtaining objective conclusions.
Ukraine’s south in those tragic, troubled years has once again attracted the views after independence, getting freedom in the revision of old stereotypes, cliche and assessments. Since the early 1990's historiography of the famine of 1921–1923 has been replenished with a significant scientific output, the introduction into the scientific circulation of new, previously classified, historical documents. The theme of the Soviet Holodomor was a long-standing theme of contemporary Ukrainian historiography.
The author carries out a historiographical analysis of the latest scientific publications of leading and regional historians who were engaged in the topic of the 1921–1922 famine in the south of Ukraine and the linguistic aspect. It is noted that most works try to prove the artificiality of hunger, but the author of his research, in support of this approach, introduces into the scientific circle previously not used documentary materials of the archive, both central and regional, which may be useful to other researchers in the study of local lore materials historical past of the South of Ukraine.
The statistical data prove that the significant removal of grain from the Southern region, contrary to the data collected on the harvest and the needs of the peasants regarding the provisions of the sowing material, food resources to ensure the survival of commodity producers, showed the plan and predictability of the tragedy of the Ukrainian people.
It was the creation of administrative obstacles and regulatory prosecution that destroyed not only the achievements, but also the very historical memory of commercial activity, private economic initiative. The experience of positive activity on restoring economic potential and food resources of the Ukrainian peasantry should become useful in drafting new reforms in the Ukrainian economy today, especially when the majority of countries of the world are focusing on the small and medium agrarian business to ensure the profitability of the state budget and provide social stability in the country and region. The return of migrant workers, the restoration of agricultural production in the places of their traditional existence, the creation of labor dynasties, the establishment of international trade is not just raw materials, but competitive agricultural products are impossible without creating conditions for small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises, and only based on historical traditions, experience of previous generations. We will be able to revive the agrarian glory of Ukrainians and other peoples who live in our country.
Thus, the author of the actual materials argues that the famine of 1921–1922 despite the complex natural conditions was artificial, aimed at curbing the mood of dissatisfaction of the rural population with the transformations and preventing anti-Soviet speeches in the future.
Keywords new economic policy, famine, NEP, crop failure, market laws, profit, small business, workshops, peasant References
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