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History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 2
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.2 2 The social protection system of servicemen of the armed forces of Ukraine as a security guarantee of the state (1991–2013) full article
Pages: 5-7 Summary The influence of the level of social protection of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the national security of the state is analyzed in the article. The main task of the state policy is to create a proper social protection system of servicemen and members of their families. For the time being the state didn’t pay due attention to the social protection of servicemen and their family members, which led to a decrease in the social level of military personnel and a low combat capability of the Armed Forces. The creation of social security system of servicemen and their family members will help to change situation for better. The implementation of the social protection system is aimed at restriction compensation caused by the nature of servicemen activity, social expectation of the defenders which form the basis of their professional choice, and the neutralization of factors, impeding effective service activities. The principles of the social protection system of servicemen, which are laid down in the Constitution of Ukraine and other normative and legal documents have been determined. In researching of the social protection system we used the analysis, synthesis, description, generalization, historical-genetic and historical periodization methods.
The social protection of servicemen can be divided into three parts: humanitarian, legal and of everyday life. Each part stimulates the interest of citizens in joining the military service and creates conditions for qualitative performance of official duties and the tasks which are put. Providing decent living conditions and service of the defenders of the Motherland and their families promotes high combat capability and combat readiness of the troops and the professional fulfillment of their tasks. The creation of a system of social protection of servicemen that ensures their proper existence in the society contributes to the involvement of servicemen in qualified and conscientious citizens who can protect the rights and interests of both citizens of Ukraine and national security. It is noted that the social programs in the military sphere are mainly declarative due to the lack of financing. Social guarantees for servicemen established by law are not provided violating their constitutional rights and freedoms.
Keywords security of the state, system, social protection, servicemen, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, combat capability of troops References
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