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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 19
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.19 19 Scientific-pedagogical activity of Professor P.R. Slezkin on the development of domestic agronomy at the end of 19th – early 20th centuries full article
Pages: 40-41 Summary The article discusses the main aspects of the professional activity of the famous scientist Slezkin Peter Rodionovich. His role in the formation and development of the domestic agricultural field of experience. The main scientific works of Slezkin Peter Rodionovich in the areas in accordance with the field of study (crop, soil science, organization of agricultural science, methodology of science, agronomy, methodology of agricultural and economic education, history of agriculture and agricultural science) are given. The necessity of transforming the ideas of the researcher in the current conditions of development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine is established.
At the present, stage of development of Ukraine as a state, the interest of researchers in the history of science, culture, society as a whole, in particular the activities and creations of scientists who selflessly worked for the good of people and left an invaluable heritage, is growing. Therefore, the urgent need is to use accumulated historical experience of the influence of science on the state and development of domestic agronomy.
Agriculture in the Ukrainian lands has always been one of the leading sectors of the economy, and economic stability is a prerequisite for food security, and therefore a guarantee of the existence of statehood. One of the first who has already mentioned the name of this forgotten scholar is V.A. Vergunov, B.S. Nosco and others.
In the current conditions of the formation of the Ukrainian agrarian sector, the thesis of P.R. Slezkin concerning the necessity of research of various soil-climatic conditions of the country. These data were obtained by the professor on the basis of a detailed study of the conditions and specifics of the organization of agriculture and its individual branches – agriculture, plant growing, seed production, livestock, organization, economy in different regions and countries of the world.
A scholar is to implement the tariff policy for agricultural products, export and import, specialization of agricultural production of the institution of theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations of the establishment of agrarian and economic science in Ukraine. These works have not lost their relevance and extremely Ukrainian present.
The current contribution to the development of domestic agricultural science is a study in which, it is emphasized the need to establish not only external officials, but also the growth and development of directly plant growing. The main directions of his research concerning the problems of agriculture, cooperation, social agronomy, biography, agricultural lease, agrarian economics and. The prospects for further research are seen in the analysis and synthesis of archival materials related to the teaching activities of the scientist.
Keywords soil science, «isolation method», agrarian science, teaching activity References
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