The article is devoted to the two anniversaries, which are going to be celebrated in 2019 – the 150th anniversary of Novo-Olexandriya Institute of Agriculture and Forestry (Poland) and the 125th anniversary of the first Department of Genetic Soil Science established at this Institute by Professor V.V. Dokuchaiev. Despite the exclusive role of this educational institution in the history of Poland and Ukraine, its history still remains a little-studied scientific issue. The aim of this publication is to study the activities of Professor V.V. Dokuchaiev on the reformation of Novo-Olexandriya Institute from 1892 till 1895 on the basis of the archival documents exported from Poland to Kharkiv at the beginning of the First World War. Available documents allow better evaluate the scope of reformatory efforts by Professor V.V. Dokuchaiev to reorganize this higher educational institution in Poland. The scientist’s work aimed at realizing his idea of the unity of agrarian education, science and practice resulted in an exceptional fact: the peripheral educational institution became a recognized high school in the world to train specialists in Soil Science and Forestry. Professor V.V. Dokuchaiev’s plan to reorganize Novo-Olexandriya Institute turned out to be so efficient that later on Moscow Agricultural Institute, St. Petersburg Forestry Institute, Agricultural department of Riga Polytechnic and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute were reformed the same way. Taking into account the fact that the study of the history of agrarian education and science in Ukraine remains an important issue for contemporary Ukrainian country study, the documents on the history of the oldest Ukrainian agrarian institution, stored in SAKhR, constitute an important source of unique information. The study of the history of agrarian education and science is important for joint research of Ukrainian and Polish scholars.
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