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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 16
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.16 16 Formation and development of scientific activity of plant-breeding stations of Varietal and Seed Management of Sugar Trust (the end of the 19th сentury – the 1920s) full article
Pages: 33-34 Summary The author has proved that Varietal and Seed production Department of the Tsukrotrest (eng. Sugar Trust) has made significant contribution to the development of native agricultural science and research work at the end of the 19th – the 20-s of the 20th c. Separate plant-breeding stations (Berezototska, Bilotserkivska, Ivanivska, Ramonska, Sytkovetska, Tetkynska, Udutska) of network of research institutions of Varietal and Seed production Department of the Tsukrotrest, the history of their creation, activity, tasks and achievements are considered. The aim of this study is to investigate directions of the activity and to summarize the results of research of Berezototska, Bilotserkivska, Ivanivska, Ramonska, Sytkovetska, Tetkynska, Udutska plant-breeding stations of the Tsukrotrest.
As a result of activity of the stations, new varieties of agricultural crops were created. In particular, at Udytska station from Hors Concours variety three clear lines had been cultivated – 033, 032, 0351, at the Sytkovetska station, «Elita Merydianivska» population of yield-sugar category was brought up, at Ivanivska station from Parkhomivska Banatka variety, new clear lines – Diurabl No 348-V and Diurabl No. 466 were successfully selected. Without regard to that, all stations were founded for satisfaction of necessities of sugar industry, most achievements in selections associated with the creation of new varieties of grain-crops.
The analysis of the network of research institutions of the Varietal and Seed production Department of the Tsukrotrest made it possible to find out that within the period of 1922–1923, under its control there were 14 plant-breeding stations, Vinnytsia seed production plant and Smilianska mycological and entomological station. Further, as a result of reorganization, some stations were closed, united or transferred to another area (as of 1927 there were 9 stations left). First of all, this was due to the soil and climatic conditions, the unsuccessful choice of land, financial difficulties. The directions of the research institutions activity corresponded to the general scientific program of the Varietal and Seed production Department. They were aimed at the creation and reproduction of new high-yielding varieties of sugar beet and grains, the development of agrotechnical measures for the cultivation of practically all crops of beet crop rotation, the study of harmful organisms and weeds, the means of protection against them, etc.
Keywords formation, development, Varietal and Seed Management of the Sugar Trust, plant-breeding stations, research work, sugar beet growing, breeding References
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