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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 15
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.15 15 The formation of personality of Professor Leonid Ivanovich Rubtsov (1902–1980) full article
Pages: 31-32 Summary Objective: To analyze the initial period of life of an outstanding landscape architect, doctor of biological sciences, professor Leonid Ivanovich Rubtsov. Methods: historically-chronological, historically-scientific, interviewing.
Results: The article analyzes conditions and factors of the formation of the personality of L.I. Rubtsov in childhood and adolescence. Family environment and characteristics of upbringing, the importance of education, social and political environment in shaping the character and outlook of the scientist are revealed. On the basis of archival and literary sources the participation of L.I. Rubtsov in the World War I, his education, scientific and working activities in student years in 1930s are shown, the start of his work in a textile factory and as a sailor on a tugboat, training at the working faculty of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Polytechnic Institute and at the Leningrad Forestry Academy, as well as his scientific and working activities in his student years in 1930s. The main attention is focused on his initial scientific work. The formation of L.I. Rubtsov as a expert under the guidance of tutors - dendrologists V. Sukachev and E. Wolf is described. In the Sukhumi branch of the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry, where L.I. Rubtsov was studying plantings of valuable subtropical crops: boxwood and cork oak, he worked under the guidance of eminent scientists – N. Kostecki and V. Nikolaev. That were the conditions, which formed L.I. Rubtsov as a future scientist. In 1929 even before his graduation a first independent scientific article of L.I. Rubtsov was published in the collection of proceedings of the scientific forestry club of the Forest Engineering Academy. His second scientific article, in which Agudzera cork grove was described, was published in 1931 in the Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics and Breeding.
Conclusions: The formation of the personality of L.I. Rubtsov in his childhood and adolescence was formed by social and political processes, which took place in Russia in the early twentieth century (World War I, the revolution, the establishment of Soviet authority). During student years, his initial work at the Sukhumi branch of the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry headed by the world-famous academician M.I. Vavilov and his communication with well-known specialists, employees of this department, played a significant role in his life.
Keywords L.I. Rubtsov, Forestry Academy, the beginning of scientific activities, the Sukhum branch of the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry References
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