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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 14
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.14 14 Ukrainian ornithologist, zoogeographers, naturalist and environmentalist M.I. Havrylenko (1888–1917): the experience of creating a prosopografic portrait full article
Pages: 29-30 Summary The article shows the experience of creating a social portrait of the famous Ukrainian ornithologist, zoogeographer, naturalist and environmentalists Mykola Ivanovych Havrylenko (1889–1971) by means of special historical disciplines – prosopography. Scientific research work of a scientist is well known to the scientific community. The active field of interests is outlined by its small homeland – Poltava region. The conservation of virgin nature, the organization of «correct» hunting on the basis of the existence of reproductive territories (reserves), the creation of reserves of the regional level, served as the basis for serving a reserved case, which was carried out by M.I. Havrylenko. The analysis of various forms of public service, the defense of the legitimate interests of the Poltava community have their natural territories preserved in their primeval territories, correspondence with various state structures on this issue eloquently depicts the psychological portrait of Nikolai M. Gavrilenko.
Theoretical and methodological foundations of the Ukrainian prosopography substantiated an outstanding scientist and historian Y. Dashkevych (1926–2010), forming the idea of prosopography as the highest level of biographicity. Тhe experience of formation of a social portrait of Mykola Havrylenko is based on the basic of the fundamental ideas of Y. Dashkevych, first-ever of them – the personal aspect of formation and development of the scientist-zoologist and naturalist, who is provided by the family, teachers of the real school and professors of the Kharkiv University. The second was ethnic and religious-psychological aspect – the birth of a child in the Orthodox environment, which provided him the education and formation of system of values in Ukrainian-speaking environment. The third aspect – public service to the community of Poltava and Poltava region in the context of testament of nature protected areas. The fourth touched his actual apolitical, finally, the fifth outlined the most powerful – his creative scientific work.
Keywords prosopography, social portrait, Mykola Havrylenko, multidimensional formation, personality development, science References
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