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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 11
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.11 11 Pedagogical activity of professor V.A. Bazakutsa in the period 1953– 2000 in the context of the development of the General and Experimental Physics Department of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» full article
Pages: 23-24 Summary In the article, the main stages of the scientific-pedagogical and organizational activities of Professor Vladimir Arzentievich Bazakutsa (1925–2000) – scientist and teacher in the field of physics, in the context of the development of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», were investigated.
During preparing the article, historical and biographical methods to gradually examine the stages of life and evaluate the results of the scientist's activity and historiographical analysis of the publications were used. The analysis of the sources and the involved archive materials made it possible to objectively assess the contribution of the scientist to the formation and development of the Department of Physics. The scientific, pedagogical and organizational heritage of the scientist were analyzed and considered. The teaching activities of the professor was accentuated. The methodological and pedagogical contribution of V.A. Bazakutsa in the formation and development of teaching basic discipline for the technical specialties in the status of the head of the Department of General and Experimental Physics was reviewed. The objective of the article is to recreate key events of professional activity of the professor V.A. Bazakutsa, and the staff of the Department of Physics in total.
The methodological basis of the research is the general principles of objectivity, historicism, which involves reproduction and analysis of the occurents based on the scientific and critical processing of the various sources.
Accordingly, the existing literature sources and archival materials of the research were analyzed, that allow to express the assertion about the important scientific and pedagogical achievements of professor V.A. Bazakutsa in the direction of development of general and experimental physics. It can be concluded that the main activity of the staff of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute and the head was educational, methodological, scientific and pedagogical labor. The scientist became a worthy follower of the traditions that were laid down by his predecessors: M.I. Korsunska, M.D. Pilchikov, O.K. Pogorelkom, M.I. Sakharov and others. Scientific and pedagogical activity of Professor V.A. Bazakutsa found its continuation in the work of many teachers, whom the professor helped to find their place in science and teaching activities.
Keywords formation and development, general and experimental physics, Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, V.A. Bazakutsa, laboratory problems, physical phenomena References
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