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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 10
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.10 10 Institute of Physical Education of AUAS: scientific-organizational basis of formation and development (20s of the 20th century) full article
Pages: 20-22 Summary In the article it is analyzed the scientific and organizational principles of the formation and development of the Institute of Physical Education of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the 20s of the 20 th century on the basis of analysis of the sources and scientific literature. It was found out that the director of the Institute was a well-known scientist-hygienist V.Ya. Pidhaietskyi, under whose leadership was conducted a number of experimental studies devoted to various aspects of physical education, hygiene, eugenics, and medical genetics. Two stages of the formation and development of the Institute of Physical Education of the AUAS have been defined: the first one – 1920–1923 when it functioned as an independent institution at the Scientific and Pedagogical Commission of the AUAS; the second one – 1924–1929, the period of reorganization and association with the section of the health care of the child, entitled «Section of Child Health Care and the Institute of Physical Education».
It was established that during the mentioned period the main tasks of the Institute of Physical Education were aimed at studying of the problems of physical education of the Ukrainian SSR, studying of the physical development of children and adolescents in educational institutions, sports clubs and establishing of physiological peculiarities of the organism of children at the dosage of physical activity, developing of the curricula for physical education, solving of the physiological and hygienic problems of the SLO (Scientific Labor Organization). The scientific heritage of the scientists of the Institute of Physical Education – of V.Ya. Pidhaietskyi and M.A. Kudrytskyi – was analyzed.
The analysis of literary sources shows that at the Institute of Physical Education were held systematically open meetings and conferences where the staff of laboratories, offices and the Physical Education Museum reported on the results of experimental studies, presented scientific reports. The scientists of the Institute maintained close contacts with higher educational institutions of Kyiv, labor schools, workers’ and pioneer clubs, military units, acted in front of their collectives with lectures, conversations, published their research results on the pages of their publications.
The activity of the Institute of Physical Education of AUAS was multifaceted. This is also evidenced by the advisory assistance of the Institute to the High Council of Physical Education at the AUCEC of the Ukrainian SSR, educational and sanitary-educational institutions of the People’s Commissariat of Education, to the People’s Commissariat of Health Care of the USSR, cultural and sports departments and trade unions, party and Komsomol organizations in the development of methodological materials, plans and provisions on the development of physical education among all age groups of the population of Ukraine. All this contributed to the creation of an extensive network of departments and sports sections at the provincial and district councils of physical education, a wide range of sports movements in the country for the physical well-being of the masses. In higher educational establishments the chairs of physical education were opened, in schools, at work clubs sports grounds were being constructed, gymnastic halls were equipped. In the institutions of the health care system, regular training courses for the special sanitary doctors’ training (school-sanitary, children’s, etc.) were organized, scientific-research rooms were created to determine the effect of physical exercises on the people’s organism of the different age groups. In order to control the state of physical education development in the provinces at the central apparatus of the People’s Commissariat of Health Care of the USSR, the new body – the Inspectorate for monitoring the state of physical education development – was created.
It was found out that the priority directions of scientific research of the Institute of Physical Education and its leader, professor V.Ya. Pidhaiets’kyi and their implementation led to the massive development of physical education and sports, that positively influenced the health strengthening of the Ukrainian population; contributed to the increase in productivity of production, primarily agricultural, based on the principles of the Scientific Labor Organization.
Keywords Institute of Physical Education, All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, physical education, eugenics, medical genetics, Scientific Labor Organization, school hygiene, V.Ya. Pidhaietskyi, M.A. Kudrytskyi References
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