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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 8
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.8 8 Impact of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Stanislav Koniukhov (1937–2011) on the conversion programs in the rocket and space industry of Ukraine full article
Pages: 16-17 Summary The scientific relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that the economic strength and defense capabilities of our country as the key factors of its national safety is heavily based on the level of development of fundamental scientific and technical knowledge. It intensifies the need for studying the historical experience and accomplishments of Ukrainian scientists, which is important for recognition of Ukraine in the global scientific and technological sector.
The article is devoted to the study of Stanislav Koniukhov’s life and activities (12.04.1937 – 03.04.2011). He was a well-known scientist, Hero of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a leading specialist in rocket science.
The purpose of this publication is to analyze the scientific impact of the prominent designer and his scientific and technical school to aerospace science, engineering and industry, as well as his scientific, organizational and administrative work as a General Designer – General Director of Yuzhnoye State Design Office in the area of international cooperation and conversion.
S. Koniukhov contributed to the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), such as R-36М, MR-UR-100, MR-UR-100UTTH, R-36М2, R-36МUTTH (SS-18, Satan) and converted ICBM «Dnepr» which is used for launching artificial satellites into the orbit.
S. Koniukhov was an Academician of New York Academy of Sciences (1996), Academician of International Academy of Astronautics (1997) and its Vice President in 2005–2011, he has the State Prizes of the USSR and Ukraine, and personal awards.
Taking into account a considerable contribution of the scientist and his pupils to the development of strategic missile systems and space vehicles, we consider it important to undertake a thorough historical study of S. Konyukhov’s life, his engineering, educational, awareness-raising and public activities in order to specify the factors of his evolution as a scientist. We also offer the periods of his scientific biography.
Keywords S. Koniukhov, rocket and space technology, launch vehicles, conversion activity, scientist’s achievements, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Yuzhnoye SDO, Ukraine References
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