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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 7
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.7 7 Scientific-pedagogical and administrative activity of Professor I.F. Rozgin (Rozgon) in 1923–1941 full article
Pages: 13-15 Summary This article dedicates to Ivan Rozgin (Rozgon), Grand PhD in Veterinary Science, who was one of the prominent specialists were «forgotten» by official Soviet establishment. He practiced as pathologist, microbiologist, held positions of Veterinary and Zoology Department Head in the Dnipropetrovs’k Agricultural Institute, Rector of the Dnipropetrovs’k Ukrainian University (1941–1942), Professor in the Ukrainian Free University, Professor in the Technical University of Economics, real member of the Shevchenko Science Society and Ukrainian Free Academy of Science.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the aspects of his scientific, pedagogical, administrative working during 1920-40’s, basing on little- or bad-known springs. We used the analytic, synthesis, description, generalization, history-genetic and periodization research methods.
There is about Ivan Rozgin’s scientific and public career in Kyiv Zoo-Veterinary Institute initial period, his working at the Pathological Anatomy department. The internship at the Tbilisi Bacteriological Institute have influenced his becoming as young specialist. There Rozgin started his research of anthrax bacteriophagy and mastered a complex of modern laboratory research methods. Rozgin’s first publications in late 1920’s were favorably received by the scientific community generally, they have seen a new talent in him.
During his living in Kharkiv Rozgin continued his microbiological researches, he headed a special lab in the Experimental Veterinary and Animal Science Institute, published the studies of innovative microbiological methods for the diagnosis of rabies and glanders in domestic animals developed by him.
In that time Rozgin has written a number of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine popular manuals. But because of unfavorable environment and possibility of criminal prosecution Rozgin was forced to move in Kherson where he continued to work on academic workbooks for higher education. Fortunately, he was released under unexplained circumstances soon.
Since August 1935 Rozgin was working in the Dnipropetrovs’k Agricultural Institute as Veterinary and Zoology Department Head, continuing his scientific researches and to deliver lectures. Researcher has completed his Doctoral work dedicated to investigation of the Hamaliya-Trvort-d’Erell phenomenon in anthrax biology recognized by fellow biologists.
In the late 1930’s Rozgin continued his research, also he published number of popular science brochures for diagnosis and treatment of domestic animals diseases at the same time. He has released a coursebook on veterinary medicine which became the Vet’s course typical base for agricultural institutes all around the country.
Rozgin was drafted into Red Army in September 1939, but he was retired in November yet and took a position of deputy director of the Dnipropetrovs’k Agricultural Institute before Nazi arriving in August 1941.
During this «Soviet» period of his life Rozgin was working hard to study deeply of the anthrax bacteriophage phenomenon, he has developed a range of innovative methods to improve the clinical diagnosis of domestic animals infectious diseases, rabies and glanders. Rozgin also has written the popular scientific works on practical veterinary and zoological issues to provide progress in the epizootology and diagnostic techniques. The scientist was the author of an academic coursebook on veterinary medicine, it became one of the basics for vets.
Keywords biology, pathologist, pathological physiology, microbiology, anthrax, Dnipropetrovs’k, veterinary medicine References
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