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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 5
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.5 5 F.P. Sushytsky’s figure (1883–1920) in the educational space of the early 20th century full article
Pages: 9-10 Summary One of the priorities of modern science is the objective analysis of an individual’s contribution to the development of national education and science. A significant role in research was given to outstanding scientists, whose activities contributed to the formation of scientific thought in our country.
Nowadays, in the context of the national educational system renovation, the study of certain science branches and the personal contribution in its formation becomes of great importance. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of special thorough historical studies that highlight the role of individuals in the context of the development of national education, pedagogy, etc.
The disclosure of the contribution of the Ukrainian teacher, educator, and professor (1883–1920) to the development of national education, Ukrainian and literary studies at the beginning of the 20th century.
The article covers pedagogical, educational and research activity of professor, teacher, Ukrainian literary critic, historian Feoktist Petrovich Sushytsky (1883–1920). His main scientific studies and creative work on the given subject are systematized and characterized. Particular interest is focused on articles in the leading educational magazine «Vilna ukrayinska shkola» (Free Ukrainian School), which reveal the problems of education reformation and training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the 1920s, and some surveys on the history and theory of literature. The latter can be the subject to further literary and historical-cultural studies.
Research of the life and activity of individuals, scientific analysis of their creative work helps to restore the recondite pages of scientific and historical-cultural heritage and determine their role in the context of socio-political events in Ukraine. F. P. Sushytsky can be rightfully considered as one of the organizers and founders of the Ukrainian National University. He is known in the history of national education, Ukrainian and literary studies as one of the pedagogue-reformers who was first to introduce teaching Ukrainian subjects in Ukrainian educational institutions for the purpose of building a new school on a national basis.
Keywords national education, Ukrainian studies, pedagogue, scientific and pedagogical staff, literary studies, F. Sushytsky References
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