In this article, it is revealed the scientific discourse of the ethnic factor of the National Liberation Revolutions of 1918–1921 and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict of 2014. The peculiarities of scientific achievements, memories of social and political figures of the period of National Liberation Revolutions of 1918–1921 and the contemporaries of the Patriotic War for Ukraine’s Independence of 2014 on the issues of national minorities of Ukraine. The scientific researches on the problems of national minorities on the territory of Ukraine were initiated by the immediate contemporaries of those turbulent events. It is determined that the memories of the social-political and military figures of that time, which reflect not only the course of the most significant phenomena of the social and political life in Ukraine, have an important place in the scientific discourse on national minorities. The clarification of the national issue and the relationship between ethnic groups are significant. The researches of the period of 1917–1921 are important, in particular the relationship between the Ukrainian military administration and the Cossacks with the representatives of other nationalities, in order to dispel myths about anti-Semitism and national intolerance in the army of the UNR. In this section, the research of the military leaders’ memoir literature is relevant. It was determined that the Soviet-era researchers considered the Ukrainian Central Rada and the Directory of the UNR as an association of petty-bourgeois parties of Ukraine, which, in their opinion, prevented the formation of Soviet power. It is proved that the works of the contemporaries of the liberation movement of 1917–1921 testify to the active participation of national minorities on the side of the pro-Ukrainian forces. That’s why the assessment of attempts to solve the urgent problems in the realm of national relations of that time is relevant today from the point of view of finding out of the miscalculations in the ethnonational policy on the eve of Russian aggression against Ukraine.
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