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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 3
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.3 3 Paper production of Kochubeys on the village Retik (Chernihiv region, mid-nineteenth century) full article
Pages: 5-6 Summary Writing was and remains the expression of the level of culture of the people. In ancient times there were centuries when the written works were carved on a stone, squeezed out on clay, written on birch or parchment. Having spread in the 11 century in Europe, paper became the main means of transmitting oral speech, the bearer of human thoughts and remains so until now. For us today, paper is a common phenomenon, inexpensive material that has a wide range of applications.
The development of paper production is taking place in the history of our country. Paper industry originated almost simultaneously with the introduction of printing. In the 14 century paper making was a primitive method. Raw material used to be an old rag, which was stuffed in a stupa with wooden hammers, exhausted on a sieve, and so on. At the end of the 17 century. In our country there were a number of small manufactories, including paper production. Localized factories, as a rule, near the rivers, was a kind of water mill – in fact, to activate the mechanisms used water power. Because of this, paper production was of a seasonal nature and took a lot of manual labor.
The invention of the second half of the 17 century the milling machine – a roll, was of great importance in the development of the paper industry. At the end of the 18 century. roles have already made it possible to produce a large amount of paper mass, but manual discharge (exhaustion) of paper delayed the growth of production. And only at the end of the 19 century, due to the transition to another raw material for the manufacture of wood pulp, there was a progressive leap, because the change in the technological process required a powerful mechanization.
This scientific study reveals the principles of activity of one of the paper factories of Sivershchyna in the middle of the nineteenth century – Prechistenska paper factory in Kochubey on the village of Retik.
This scientific study reveals the principles of activity of one of the paper mills of Sivershchyna in the middle of the 19 century – Prechistenska paper mill at the village of Retik. Its owners were representatives of the famous сossack-elder family of Kochubey. At the end of the 17th century. V.L. Kochubei bought land in this area, received the Hetman Universal on these estates and gave a promise to take care of their own and not to harm the human lands. From grandparents, the grandparents passed these obligations to the descendants. And those, in turn, followed the guidelines – developed the branches of agriculture, industry, introduced advanced technologies, provided their estates and enterprises with scientific research, laid parks, built schools, churches, and so on. Their, at first sight, private activity was a kind of charitable contribution to the economic development of the state, education, culture, science etc.
Keywords paper, paper production, paper mill, village Retik, Kochubey References
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