The article is devoted to the analysis of national research on the history of the activity of communities of sisters of mercy under the flag of the Russian Red Cross Society and the All-Russian Union of Cities, that operated in the territories of the Ukrainian provinces of the Russian Empire, on the western Ukrainian lands, and also in emigration during the First World War. The methodological basis of the publication was the general scientific and special-historical methods of logical and historiographical analysis. The author has found out that in native historiography the nursing movement is investigated in the context of its regional features. The movement of mercy was more powerful on Ukrainian lands of Russian Ukraine.In the western territories (Galicia, Bukovyna), the sisters’ courses began to be opened during the war. Besides, Ukrainians were very active in emigration (in Vienna). At the beginning of hostilities in 1914, the assistance to the wounded was supported by 12 sister centers in such cities as Kyiv, Odessa, Chernihiv, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Katerynoslav, Kherson, Poltava, Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Kremenchuk and Mykolayiv. The main focus of historiansis made on these communities. The works consider the history of organization, the directions of activity, the statutory foundations of the organization of life of the sisters’ communities, the criteria for selecting women for the courses and service in the community, the conditions of work and life in the times of peace and war, as well as the participation in the First World War. The authors came to the conclusion that at the time of the war the work of Sisters of Mercy was distributed to hospitalsand mobile sanitary detachments where the sisters served as junior medical personnel providing care for sick and wounded, as well as providing medical assistance to refugees and the population in the front-line territories. In Lviv and Stanislav there was a widespread practice to open the courses for Sisters of Mercy who could care for wounded in urban hospitals. Ukrainian women who were in emigration in Vienna founded the «Ukrainian Committee for Assistance to Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers» and helped militaries from the Motherland as sisters of mercy. The assistance provided by the sisters to the victims at the fronts and in the rear was highly appreciated in the domestic research about the activities of the Russian Red Cross Society during the First World War. But scientific issues that remain open are questions of the work of the sisters directly in military and urbanhospitals on the front line and in the rear during the war. There are few concrete examples of the activities of individual communities as well as little information about the history of the women who got into the heart of war and served people.
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