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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 3
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.1 1 The history of museumification of settlement site in Eastern Europe in the context of preservation Verhniy-Saltiv archaeological complex full article
Pages: 1-2 Summary The purpose of the article is to find out what experience of the museumification of the settlement site exists in the territory of Eastern Europe and to take it into account when creating a project for the preservation of the Verhniy-Saltiv archaeological site in Kharkiv region.
The article looks at the Eastern European experience of settlement sites museumification. Their comparative analysis with similar objects on the territory of Ukraine was conducted. In the process of analysis, attention was paid to the types of museums that were created at the sites and the advantages and disadvantages of such forms of museumification. The study of literature revealed that there are currently no works in Ukrainian and Russian historiography that would analyze the strengths and weaknesses of real-life projects on the museumification of settlement sites.
Since the term «Eastern Europe» is contradictory in modern literature, the author uses the list of geographical regions of the United Nations statistical department, which includes 10 countries in this region: Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Czech Republic.
As a result of the analysis of the Eastern European experience in the museumification of archaeological sites of the settlement type, 2 forms of museums were identified. They can be promising for the preservation project of the Verhniy Saltiv archaeological complex. These forms are the creation of an open-air museum and the reconstructions on the territory of the site.
Taking into account this experience, it was suggested to create a scansen in the territory of the Verkhniy Saltiv archaeological site, which will include: reconstruction of the fortification fragment, several dugouts, burial structures, craft grounds and regular holding of various interactive activities on this base. This will attract visitors to the site and make it one of the tourist centers in the Kharkiv region.
In the future, the experience of museumification of settlement sites in Eastern Europe can serve as a foundation for the creation of similar projects in Ukraine, particularly in the territory of the monument in Verkhniy Saltiv.
Keywords museumification, settlement, museums as an object of tourism, archaeological sites of historical times, Eastern Europe References
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