Усі номери / 2018 №4 / Стаття №1 |
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До питання про становище «Балтійських ДІ-ПІ» в Скандидавії у документах державного департаменту США (1945–1948 рр.)
повна стаття |
Юшкевич В.В.
Сторінки: |
1-16 |
Короткий огляд |
У статті аналізується дипломатичне листування представників громадських організацій, що намагалися захистити інтереси балтійських біженців та переміщених осіб на території Швеції, з чиновниками Державного Департаменту США у перші повоєнні роки. Залучено неопубліковані документи з Національного архіву Сполучених Штатів у Вашингтоні. Після того, як наприкінці 1944 р. шведський уряд офіційно визнав балтійців радянськими громадянами, американська дипломатія, що зберігала курс на невизнання радянської анексії трьох країн Балтії, лишалася останньої надією для втікачів від комунізму. Встановлено, що громадські організації балтійських вигнанців апелювали до посла США у Стокгольмі Гершеля Джонсона. Висвітлюється інформаційне протистояння у шведських друкованих засобах масової інформації стосовно можливості співпраці з СРСР у питаннях добровільної та примусової репатріації громадян країн Балтії. Також у статті показано, що Радянський Союз вчиняв такий тиск і на інші Скандинавські країни – Фінляндію та Данію.
Ключові слова |
балтійські біженці, переміщені особи, СРСР, Швеція, Держдеп, Гершель Джонсон, репатріаційна місія, екстрадиція, Естонський комітет
Список використаних джерел та літератури |
- Cohen G. D. In War’s Wake : Europe’s Displaced Persons in the Postwar Order. New York : Oxford University Press USA, 2011. 248 p.
- Foreign relations of the United States. 1948 / [gen. ed. S. Everett Gleason, Frederick Aandahl]. Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1974. Volume 4. Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union. 1161 p.
- Foreign relations of the United States, 1951, Europe : political and economic developments / [gen. ed. Fredrick Aandahl, William Z. Slany]. Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1985. Volume 4. Part 2. 1890 p.
- Frank M. Making Minorities History. Population Transfer in Twentieth-Century Europe. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017. 464 p.
- Frank M. Refugees in Europe, 1919–1959 : A Forty Years’ Crisis? London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. 272 p.
- Incoming telegram from Counselor of US Legation in Stockholm C. M. Ravndal to US Secretary of State concerning Experiences of Lithuanian Refugee in Sweden who volunteered to return to Soviet-Occupied Lithuania dated September 19, 1945. National Archive of the United States (NAUS). Record Group (RG) 59. Microcopy (M) 1284. Roll (R) 59.
- Incoming telegram from US Ambassador in Stockholm H. V. Johnson to US Secretary of State concerning Baltic Refugees in Sweden dated November 23, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R 60.
- Incoming telegram from US Ambassador in Stockholm H. V. Johnson to US Secretary of State concerning Baltic Refugees in Sweden dated December 4, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 60.
- L’Hommedieu J. H. Exiles and Constituents : Baltic Refugees and American Cold War Politics, 1948–1960. Turku, 2011. 360 p.
- Letter from Acting Consul General of Estonia in Charge of Legation Johannes Kaiv to the Honorable the Secretary of State James F. Byrnes dated November 21, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 60.
- Letter from American Legation in Stockholm to the Honorable the Secretary of State regarding transmitting memorandum concerning Baltic Refugees dated June 12, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 58.
- Letter from Herschel V. Johnson to the Honorable the Secretary of State concerning Rumored Soviet Demands for Extradition of Baltic Refugees in Sweden dated March 6, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 55.
- Letter from Herschel V. Johnson to the Honorable the Secretary of State concerning Soviet Russian visit to Ingrians in Baltic Refugee Camp in Sweden dated April 24, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 56.
- Letter from the Dean O. Sakarnis to US Department of State concerning Ev. Lutheran church situation in occupied Latvia dated April, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 56.
- Letter from the Estonian Democratic Club in Stockholm to US Department of State concerning Estonian Refugees in Germany dated March 14, 1947. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 68.
- Memorandum from Major Franklin P. Holcomb to Jack D. Neal concerning Russian Repatriation Commission in Stockholm dated December 19, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 60.
- Outgoing telegram from the Secretary of State to US embassy in Copenhagen dated February 2, 1948. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 69.
- Report on Baltic Refugees in Sweden to the Office of Strategic Service dated Septeember 14, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 59.
- Telegram from American Legation in Stockholm to the Honorable the Secretary of State concerning Soviet Russian Articles about Treatment of Baltic Refugees in Sweden and Swedish Press Reaction thereto dated February 28, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R 55.
- Telegram sent from Department of State to American Legation in Stockholm concerning Baltic Refugees in Sweden dated December 8, 1945. NAUS. RG 59. M 1284. R. 60.
- Конституция (Основной Закон) Союза Советских Социалистических Республик. Москва : ЦИК СССР, 1937. 306 с.
- Швеция извинилась перед странами Балтии. News portal of Baltic States. URL : http://rus.delfi.ee/daily/estonia/shveciya-izvinilas-pered-stranami-baltii?id=55779684 (дата посещения : 01.12.2018).
References |
- Cohen, G. D. (2011). In War’s Wake : Europe’s Displaced Persons in the Postwar Order. New York : Oxford University Press USA, 248. [in English].
- Gleason, S. E. and Aandahl, F. gen. ed. (1974). Foreign relations of the United States. 1948. Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 4. Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union, 1161. [in English].
- Aandahl, F. and Slany, W. Z. gen. ed. (1985). Foreign relations of the United States, 1951, Europe : political and economic developments. Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 4. 2. 1890. [in English].
- Frank, M. (2017). Making Minorities History. Population Transfer in Twentieth-Century Europe. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 464. [in English].
- Frank, M. and Reinisch, J. eds. (2017). Refugees in Europe, 1919–1959 : A Forty Years’ Crisis? London : Bloomsbury Academic. 272. [in English].
- (1945). Incoming telegram from Counselor of US Legation in Stockholm C. M. Ravndal to US Secretary of State concerning Experiences of Lithuanian Refugee in Sweden who volunteered to return to Soviet-Occupied Lithuania dated September 19, 1945. National Archive of the United States. Record Group (RG) 59. Microcopy (M) 1284. Roll (R) 59. [in English].
- (1945). Incoming telegram from US Ambassador in Stockholm H. V. Johnson to US Secretary of State concerning Baltic Refugees in Sweden dated November 23, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R 60. [in English].
- Incoming telegram from US Ambassador in Stockholm H. V. Johnson to US Secretary of State concerning Baltic Refugees in Sweden dated December 4, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 60. [in English].
- L’Hommedieu, J. H. (2011). Exiles and Constituents : Baltic Refugees and American Cold War Politics, 1948–1960. Turku, 360. [in English].
- (1945). Letter from Acting Consul General of Estonia in Charge of Legation Johannes Kaiv to the Honorable the Secretary of State James F. Byrnes dated November 21, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 60. [in English].
- (1945). Letter from American Legation in Stockholm to the Honorable the Secretary of State regarding transmitting memorandum concerning Baltic Refugees dated June 12, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 58. [in English].
- (1945). Letter from Herschel V. Johnson to the Honorable the Secretary of State concerning Rumored Soviet Demands for Extradition of Baltic Refugees in Sweden dated March 6, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 55. [in English].
- (1945). Letter from Herschel V. Johnson to the Honorable the Secretary of State concerning Soviet Russian visit to Ingrians in Baltic Refugee Camp in Sweden dated April 24, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 56. [in English].
- (1945). Letter from the Dean O. Sakarnis to US Department of State concerning Ev. Lutheran church situation in occupied Latvia dated April, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 56. [in English].
- (1947). Letter from the Estonian Democratic Club in Stockholm to US Department of State concerning Estonian Refugees in Germany dated March 14, 1947. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 68. [in English].
- (1945). Memorandum from Major Franklin P. Holcomb to Jack D. Neal concerning Russian Repatriation Commission in Stockholm dated December 19, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 60. [in English].
- (1948). Outgoing telegram from the Secretary of State to US embassy in Copenhagen dated February 2, 1948. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 69. [in English].
- (1945). Report on Baltic Refugees in Sweden to the Office of Strategic Service dated Septeember 14, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 59. [in English].
- (1945). Telegram from American Legation in Stockholm to the Honorable the Secretary of State concerning Soviet Russian Articles about Treatment of Baltic Refugees in Sweden and Swedish Press Reaction thereto dated February 28, 1945. National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R 55. [in English].
- (1945). Telegram sent from Department of State to American Legation in Stockholm concerning Baltic Refugees in Sweden dated December 8, 1945 // National Archive of the United States. RG 59. M 1284. R. 60. [in English].
- (1937). Konstitucija (Osnovnoj Zakon) Sojuza Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik [Constitution (The Main Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]. Moscow : Central Execution Committee. [in Russian].
- Shvecija izvinilas’ pered stranami Baltii [Sweden apologized to the Baltic countries]. News portal of Baltic States. http://rus.delfi.ee/daily/estonia/shveciya-izvinilas-pered-stranami-baltii?id=55779684 (last accessed : 01.12.2018). [in Russian].