In the article, using the methodological tools, the contribution of the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences L.D. Yurchak (1937−2010) in the development of domestic allelopathy (chemical interaction of plants). The scientist emphasized the environmental principles of allelopathy in various phytocoenosis types: it defined the role of microorganisms in the soil, in bean, flower, fruit, fodder and aromatic crops, which is relevant and contributes to increasing the soil fertility and increasing the yield of high-quality crop products. On the example of aromatic plants, the researcher comprehensively substantiated the ecological approach in addressing the actual tasks of agriculture: the formation of effective crop rotation, the selection of tolerant crops in compatible crops, the reduction of the action of the soil, the management of the structure and functions of soil microcenosis, etc. L.D. Yurchak popularized the scientific agri-ecological principles as the basis of alternative agriculture − agricultural allelopathy. The scientist first raised the question of studying aromatic plants in the system of their relationship with other organisms; revealed the causes of ground-level under aromatic plants and suggested ways to overcome it.
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- Romanenko,V. D. ed. (1991). Allelopatiya rasteniy i pochvoutomlenie : izbrannyie trudyi Grodzinskiy A. M. [Plant allelopathy and soil degeneration : Selected Works Grodzinsky A. M.]. Kiev : Nauk. Dumka, 432. [in Russian].
- Vergunov, V. A. (2012). Silskohospodarska doslidna sprava u tvorchii spadshchyni akademika AN URSR A. M. Hrodzynskoho. [Agricultural Experimental Case in the Creative Heritage of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR A. M. Grodzinsky] Іntrodukcіya roslyn. [Plant introduction]. 4. 83‒90. [in Ukrainian].
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- Yurchak, L. D., Shrol, T. S. (1981). Rol posleukosnyh ostatkov rapsa i surepicy v zemledelii [Role of post-dried residues of rapeseed and turtlede in agriculture]. Himicheskoe vzaimodejstvie rastenij [Chemical interaction of plants]. Kiev. 163‒169. [in Russian].
- Yurchak, L. D. and Shrol, T. S. (1981). Rol mikroorganizmov v toksikoze pochv pod cvetochnymi rasteniyami [The role of microorganisms in soil toxicosis under flowering plants]. Allelopatiya v estestvennyh i iskusstvennyh fitocenozah [Allelopathy in natural and artificial phytocenoses]. Kiev. 101‒107. [in Russian].
- Yurchak, E. V. (2016). Analіz tvorchoi spadshchyny L. D. Yurchak [Analis of the creative decline L. D. Yurchak]. Іstorіya osvіty, nauky і tekhnіky v Ukrainі [History of education, science and technology in Ukraine]. Vіnnycya. 288–290. [in Ukrainian].
- Yurchak, E. V. (2014). Izuchenie introducirovannyh aromaticheskih rastenij v tvorcheskom nasledii uchenoj-allelopata L. D. Yurchak (1937–2010) [The study of introduced aromatic plants in the creative heritage of the allelope scientist L. D. Yurchak (1937–2010)]. Black Sea. Scientific Journal of Academic Research. Tbilisi, Georgia. 10–14. [in Russian].
- Yurchak, L. D., Pobirchenko, G. A. (1997). Kultura shalfeya muskatnogo v Lesostepi Ukrainy [Sage Muscat Culture in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine]. Kiev: Nauk. dumka. 166. [in Russian].
- Yurchak, L. D., Moroz, P. A., Osipova, I. Yu. (2007). Kompleksnaya ocenka allelopaticheskih osobennostej aromaticheskih rastenij [Complex evaluation of allelopathic characteristics of aromatic plants]. Botanika i mikologiya: Sovremennye gorizonty [Botany and Mycology: Modern Horizons]. Kiev : Akademperiodika, 247‒260. [in Russian].
- Yurchak, L. D. (2005). Alelopatіya v agrobіogeocenozah aromatychnyh roslyn [Aalopathy in agrobiogeocenoses of aromatic plants]. Kyiv : Fіtosocіocentr. 411 [in Ukrainian].
- Yurchak, L. D., Yurchak, V. F., Pobirchenko, G. A. (1985). Biologicheskaya aktivnost letuchih vydelenij i izolirovannyh efirnyh masel chetyreh vidov mozhzhevelnika [Biological activity of volatile emissions and isolated essential oils of four species of juniper] Fitoncidy. Bakterialnye bolezni rastenij [Phytoncides. Bacterial diseases of plants]. Kiev : Nauk. dumka, 1. 64‒65. [in Russian].
- Yurchak, L. D. (2006). Alelopatiia: retrospektyvnyi pohliad, suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy doslidzhen [Allelopathy : a retrospective view, the current state and prospects of research]. Introduktsiia Roslyn [Plant introduction]. 4. 12‒23. [in Ukrainian].