The purpose of this article is the first analysis of the available sources on the production of strings begun by authorities in 1911, which has existed in Opishnya by the beginning of the 1940-th years. The results of the study. History of creation, activity and consequence of existence of unique educational institution – the Instructor string educational workshop of the Poltava provincial zemstvo is for the first time in detail characterized. Based in Opishnya owing to interaction of bodies central (Head Department of Land Management and Agriculture) and local (The Poltava Provincial Zemstvo) the authorities, this establishment has begun in the Russian Empire and the USSR production of strings for professional musical instruments and material for mending of wounds in surgery – catgut suture. Before the opening of the workshop, a musician playing on stringed instruments and teaching them games, Professor of St. Petersburg Conservatory Sergei Korguev studied the state of string production in Russia, familiarized with Western European experience. Having invited an experienced masters from the German Markneukirchen Theodore Knypfer, he initiated a German-led German-educated training of Ukrainian and Russian teenagers in the Poltava region. The workshop was equipped with the most up-to-date equipment, which allowed the production of strings, the quality of which was not inferior to the German. Accordingly, they largely replaced import, which was especially relevant during the First World War, when the export of strings from Germany ceased. During the educational activity, at least 15 students were studied, which formed the basis of Opishnian Artel «Strunа», which in 1923 was the only similar enterprise in Russia and Ukraine. In the years 1929–1930, two of the graduates of the institution took part in the creation of string manufacturing enterprises in Poltava and Kazan. The conclusion is made on the necessity of immortalizing the investigated production by installing a memorial plaque in Opishna at the location of the string workshop and artel.
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