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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 16

16 Scientific heritage of P.І. Gavsevich (1883–1920) in the system of the society of Volyn researchers full article
Shadrina O.
Pages: 265-278

On the basis of the analysis of archival and other materials, the conditions for the founding of one of the first regional local lore societies in the Right-Bank Ukraine - the Society of Volhynia Researchers (1900–1920) are disclosed. The directions and problems solved by the Society during its activity are considered. An attempt was made to recreate some aspects of personal life and scientific and organizational work of the Ukrainian scientist-agrarian P.I. Gavsevich during the period of cooperation with the Society in 1910‒1913. The analysis of the content of his scientific and statistical works on the agricultural survey of the Volyn region was described and analyzed. It is proved that the introduction of P.I. Gavsevich progressive organization of agronomic assistance in the field played a significant role in the state of agriculture and the development of the Volyn region in general.

Society of researchers Volyn, P.I. Gavsevich, agricultural census, district survey, questionnaire
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