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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 15
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.15 15 Activity of agricultural courses in the Chernigiv province on popularization of agricultural knowledge at the beginning of XX centuries full article
Pages: 254-264 Summary The purpose of this study was to reveal the history of the spread of agricultural knowledge in the Chernigov province in the early twentieth century through the organization of agricultural courses. Since 1908 the Chernihiv provincial zemstvo began to organize district agricultural courses annually for persons engaged in agriculture. The duration of agricultural courses lasted 1 ½ months. By the nature of teaching the courses were versatile, the lecturers tried to provide explanations on all relevant topics in agriculture. Courses are usually provided by public institutions. The hostel for the students and the teachers’ apartment was organized in the same place as the courses or in a separately rented home. Training at the courses was free.
The courses were hosted by people who were engaged in agriculture and had education, no lower than an agricultural school. The listeners were peasants of different districts of the Chernihiv province, but most 70–78% of the neighboring district where the courses were organized. Among peasants, youth aged 15 to 30 were dominant. In 1910 their number was 58%. The percentage of peasants to other classes of people who studied at courses in 1908 was 50%, 1909 – 40%, 1910 – 48%. The second largest group of up to 35% were teachers of public schools. The third relatively small group of listeners – these are people of different professions, agriculture for which was only an additional occupation.
For the purpose of easier perception of the material the lecture was accompanied by the display of wall tables, photographs, slides, collections of the museum of Chernihiv provincial zemstvo, etc. The organization of practical classes was given special attention. So, since 1910, there was introduced an indicator of cattle feeding on courses. Its organization was allocated 100 rubles.
Practical classes in the discipline «Livestock» were devoted to the methods of selection of dairy cows. Familiarity with this business took place at the cattle court.
The listeners also visited the coupling points. The issues of breeding and ways of improving livestock were discussed here in detail. The anatomy of the students ware learning in detail through excursions to the slaughterhouse, where the slaughter of cattle was carried out. To get acquainted with the illnesses of cattle and horses, the students attended the Zemsky veterinary treatment center: they examined the animals that were brought to the outpatient reception. The veterinarian lectured on infectious diseases in horses and cattle.
During the course «Dairy business» students of the course were able to consider bacterial preparations under a microscope. They practiced in determining the percentage of fat in milk. They were shown the technology of production of butter. Demonstration separator was Alpha Noble. In addition, the students showed slides of works of the museum of the Chernihiv province district from books, catalogs, etc., according to the course of A.A. Kalantara.
Almost all students of agricultural courses were briefed on lectures on subjects. Before the examinations, they were trained by groups, only in the form of lectures. After completing the courses students passed exams. The course ended with an excursion, accompanied by teachers to exemplary estates and institutions.
Keywords Chernihiv province, agricultural courses, agriculture, training, course attenders, course teachers References
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