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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 14
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.14 14 An improvement of innovative technologies of organic agriculture is in Institute of Agriculture of Black Sea Region of NAAS in beginning of ХХІ of century full article
Pages: 230-253 Summary It is set that intensive application of chemistry, irrigation, mechanization with her harmful influence on the structure of soil, scientific selection, including creation of genetically modified sorts of agricultural cultures, allowed to go out on the new level of development of agriculture that provided decision of food problem in Ukraine. At the same time negative influence of the marked factors of intensification on a natural environment developed becoming of the new going near a menage in an agrarian sphere, that were incarnated in the input of organic agriculture. Application of rational land-tenure became actual in the different ground-climatic zones of Ukraine, that is based on scientific principles of organic agriculture and provides a production ecologically of clean products and proceeding in the natural state of environment.
Certainly, that innovative technologies of organic agriculture are for the droughty terms of South Steppe of Ukraine, worked out in Institute of agriculture of Black Sea Region NAAS at the beginning ХХІ of century, provide proceeding in the natural state of environment and receipt ecologically of safe products. It is found out, that theoretical, methodological and practical bases of innovative technologies of organic agriculture are base on the use of scientifically reasonable structure of sowing areas and specialized crop rotations with till of long-term leguminous herbares, application of rational till of soil, use of cultures on a green fertilizer, microorganisms, bringing of scientifically reasonable organic fertilizers, creation of sorts and hybrids with a high ecological adaptivity, application of biologics for protecting of plants from weeds, illnesses and wreckers, input ecologically of safe agrotechnical and biological measures at growing of agricultural cultures.
One of basic links in innovative technologies of organic agriculture there is a scientifically reasonable duty of agricultural cultures in crop rotations, as one most effective, economically, power and ecologically advantageous and safe measures. With crop rotations constrained and is based on their basis all complex of natural measures that apply in organic agriculture. At introduction of scientifically reasonable crop rotations more productive lands, fertilizers, are used, potential possibilities of sorts will be realized better, weeds goes down, the action of wreckers and illnesses diminishes in sowing of agricultural cultures. For the best piling up of nutritives in soil in crop rotations grow leguminous cultures and them mixtures, important is the use of sideration cultures on a green fertilizer. The marked measures positively influence on the state of environment, open additional possibilities of increase of receipt ecologically of clean products at diminishing of charges on her production.
Keywords improvement, innovative technologies, scientifically reasonable measures, organic agriculture, production, agricultural cultures, ecologically clean products References
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