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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 13
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.13 13 Formation of scientific and educational ideology of domestic pedagogue, scientist-agrarians, founder of aircraft building, Prince O.S. Kudashev (1872–1917) full article
Pages: 207-229 Summary This paper is about the formation of scientific and educational ideology of Prince Olexander Serhiyovych Kudashev (1872–1917), the pioneer of domestic aircraft building, a state and public figure, an educator and researcher in the field of agronomy. This research was carried out using extensive bibliographic, statistical methods, as well as methods of personalization, source-studies and analysis of materials at the State Archives of the Odessa region, the State Archives of Kyiv and the Central State Historical Archives of St. Petersburg.
The work reveals the genealogy of the ancient noble Kudashev’s family, who represented a world constellation of prominent figures of military art, diplomacy, state building, culture and science. The work presents the closest family environment of Olexandr Serhiyovych, thanks to which the first years of his life were spent in a highly moral, devotional, spiritual and creative atmosphere. The author reproduces the process of studies at the Second Kyiv Men’s Gymnasium (1886), the First St. Petersburg Gymnasium (1886–1890), and the St. Petersburg Institute for the Engineering of Road Connections of the Emperor Alexander I (1890–1895). The work also reveals formation of his personality and scientific interests, the settling of his private family life and selection of the pathway for his further professional development.
For the first time, young Alexander’s studies at the Second Kyiv Men’s Gymnasium in 1886 have been reconstructed based on the analysis of archival data from the State Archives of Kyiv. The obtained data reveal his excellent successes in education and exemplary behavior. Names of teachers, schedule of classes during this period have also been reproduced. It was found out that at the age of 14, Alexander mastered several foreign languages (Latin, Greek, German, and French). Classical gymnasium education envisaged the study of mainly linguistic and natural sciences.
This work also describes Oleksander’s studies at the First St. Petersburg Gymnasium during 1886–1890, after which he presented himself as a highly moral, modest, decent, excellent graduate. It was found out that Prince’s father, Sergey Serhiyovych Kudashev, played a potential role in choosing the gymnasium for Oleksander’s studies. However, the decision to enter a higher education institution (the St. Petersburg Institute the Railway Engineers of the Emperor Alexander I), the future researcher made on his own, same concerned his private life (marriage during his student years with Countess Katerina Vasilyevna Stenbock-Fermor (1867–1944), in the first marriage – Tolstoy).
Keywords Olexander Serhiyovych Kudashev, scientific and educational world ideology, pedigree, study, education, Second Kyiv Men’s Gymnasium, the First St. Petersburg Gymnasium, St. Petersburg Institute of Railway Engineers of the Emperor Alexander I. References
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