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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 9
All numbers / 2018 No.2 / Article No.9 9 Activity of Academician of USSR as IE.M. Lavrenko in the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of USSR (1934–1987) full article
Pages: 149-167 Summary The aim of this article was to describe Ie.M. Lavrenko’s scientific and organizational activity in V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute AS USSR (1934–1987) which was started in 1934. Next year presidium of Academy of Sciences awarded Ie.M. Lavrenko the scientific degree Doctor of Biological Sciences without presentation of a doctoral thesis. Concurrently with his work in the Institute in 1938–1941 Ie.M. Lavrenko as a professor of the Department of Geobotany was given lectures in Leningrad State University and developed course «Steppes and Deserts» (1938). In 1938 Ie.M. Lavrenko took a degree of professor. During the World War II took part in the activity of special team of provision of front, which was established according to the Decree of Presidium of USSR Academy of Sciences in 1942 in the Institute of Geography in Moscow. At the end of 1946, he has been elected a corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of USSR.
In 1961–1962 Ie.M. Lavrenko was a Head of Methodological Council of geobotany laboratories of V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute. Since 1936 he was a Head of Laboratory of General and Experimental Geobotany. In 1967 he concurrently held a chair of Laboratory of Biogeocenology. In 1968 Ie.M. Lavrenko was in charge of Laboratory of Geography and Cartography of Flora where his scholar school was the most productive. In that period he went on expeditions and led big teams of scientist especially international. Ie.M. Lavrenko took part in expedition which studied productive powers of Academy of Sciences of USSR. He studied nature of Mongolia. Since 1969 he headed joint soviet-mongolian complex biological expedition.
According to analyzed information about Ie.M. Lavrenko we can conclude that years 1946–1987 were the peak period of his activity when he fully revealed his scientific and organizational talents. The results of his activity of were properly appreciated in AS USSR and world botanical society.
Keywords Ie.M. Lavrenko, V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute AS USSR, Geobotany, Biogeocenology, Council for the Study of Productive Forces of the AS USSR References
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