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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 2
Article No. 8

8 Impact of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Stanislav Koniukhov (1937–2011) on the conversion programs in the rocket and space industry of Ukraine full article
Dovgoruk Yu.
Pages: 139-148

The article deals with the work of the Supoi research melioration bog station (now the Panfil Research Station of the Institute of Agriculture, NAAS) during the period of the Nazi occupation of 1941–1943. On the basis of the analysis of archival sources and the occupational press, the process of research work and the data on the general condition are analyzed stations in the specified period.

Along with the establishment of the system of German-fascist occupying power in the occupied territory of the USSR, a partial restoration of the functioning of scientific institutions took place. In particular, this involved the research network of the agricultural sector. Activities of this type of institutions were under the full control of the local government and under the guidance of relevant specialized German organizations.

The purpose of this article is to study the work of the station in the specified period, which remains to this day a little-studied topic. It is known that during the 3-year period of occupation, the institution was engaged in scientific research in solving a number of agricultural needs of the time: research of scientifically grounded structure of crops, crop rotation, fertilizer systems, soil cultivation, plant protection from weeds, pests, diseases and others It should also be noted that scientific research was carried out only by research institutions that performed the orders of the occupation authorities.

The experience of the institution during the difficult years of war and occupation is unique and requires detailed consideration and analysis of both academic agrarians and historians of domestic agricultural business.

reclamation, Supoi, swamp, station, nazi occupation, Yagotin, Panfili
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